"Hit the Tree not the Guardian" - Groot / Aggression

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

BluefireF5ran · 23

"They're The Only Friends We've Ever Had."

Groot is not really strong, but he has a bunch of good qualities that make him be playable at the highest level (Expert / Heroic), the Aggression aspect by itself is not really strong and even less for Groot.

Then what's the point of playing Groot? It's simple, as it's themed and fun.

This deck has been tested solo most of the time, even though it runs best in multiplayer, because you don't need to worry about thwarting that will be the reason you will lose most of the time.


  • Groot is a strong defender thanks to his very high 3 DEF and the tools in his kit, this allows the team to survive while the allies THW and DMG the villain.
  • Once you set up you can consistently deal 12+ DMG every single turn while dealing with threat / minions and getting a new ally every turn as well.



  • Your best chance is to get something that helps you pay off the other cards. Team-Building Exercise, Deft Focus for Groot events, or Knowhere to draw for free. When you get any of those, your options and posibilities will grow exponentialy.
    • Fertile Ground is good as well because it almost pays for itself and will help you on the long run.
  • Resource cards will help you pay, you should keep them as the deck doesn't have too many 0-1 cost cards.
  • You should also consider allies like Rocket Raccoon,Gamora to keep the Scheme in check, or Bug and Drax + Energy Spear to get some damage early
  • Angela and Throg is really good if you get both together, because you can clear the minion and get 2 meatshields easily.
  • Any 2 cost ally is fine because you will get some cheap damage on the villain as well as defend the next turn.



You're on Aggression, so this is when the fun starts:


  • Cosmo, Gamora, Rocket Raccoon and Star-Lord are the main tools to deal with threat.

  • If you have Deft Focus and 4+ counters and although is kind of unreliable, it feels good to clear 7+ in one go.

    • You can still go to Alter-Ego, get 4 counters (6 with Fertile Ground) get into Hero form and play it, giving you a "free switch" into alter ego, (watch out in solo as you can complete a scheme on low threshold stages).

Other Card Considerations:

  1. Professor X / Psylocke are super strong if the villain doesn't have Steady or Stalwart, you can change them for Star-Lord and Martinex.
  2. Wolverine + Attack Training you can change both of them with Marvel Boy to get a 2nd Drax.
  3. "Bring It!" + (Optional) Looking for Trouble for minion heavy scenarios, Throg and Rocket Raccoon want minions and Bug + Energy Spear can clear them consistently as well.

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