Star-Lord - Kick Names and Take Ass

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Spliff · 659

This deck allows you, as Mantis said, “Kick names and take ass”. Meaning it’s two fold, big Events and Allies.

First up is big Events. Both Into the Fray and Melee can offer big value. Both offer a 2:1 damage return on resource, which is on the good side of average for Event. However, their bonuses are both respectively quite useful.

Into the Fray can be quite effective at reducing threat. You can really maximize the effect if required by giving a shot from your Element Gun first.

Melee can help you clear out minions that are bound to show up from using “What could go wrong?”.

Dive Bomb is the bit of a wild card here. It’s expensive, and it’s damage output can easily be rivaled by Sliding Shot. So why include it? It might just save your name... er... ass. Minions can stack up with Star-Lord’s “WCGW?” and dealing 1 damage to all of them can actually be quite relevant. Especially in multiplayer.

The more dedicated part of the build is Allies. Aggression is a popular Ally build because it features a wide variety of Allies with some being a very good return on cost. The limitations of Aggression Allies is mitigated by Star-Lord.

1) Aggression Allies can be 3 or more cost, which we can just “cheat” into play using “WCGW?”. Boot Camp is also expensive, but “WCGW?” also makes it a very attractive play.

2) Aggression Allies find themselves a bit lacking in thwart. Leader of the Guardians helps fix that. Combined with Into the Fray and Gutsy Move you got that solved.

3) Playing lots of Allies can drain your resources necessary for Events and Hero cards. We solve this two fold. Knowhere rewards you with an extra card when playing a Guardian Ally, effectively making them cost less. Team-Building Exercise also allows you to play a Guardian for 1 less as well. That means if you have both of these going, your Guardians are essentially free.

Using the build you should be able to get both an event and a guardian out on the same turn regularly, which is great because Star-Lord is going to need blocks, take out minions, and deal with extra threat due to “WCGW?”.

And that’s the key to this deck. Instead of just using “WCGW?” and trading a discount for an encounter, you start getting ahead by creating setup value at the same time.

This also allows you to leverage his Hero cards as well. Suddenly you have the extra resources to toss away on Element Gun. You can get setup for some strong Sliding Shot and Gutsy Move as well if you can play them the same round as Sentry, who is quite strong himself.

Then you have all the Guardian Allies, Rocket Raccoon, Groot, Drax, Bug, Angela and Cosmo. This line will probably change as we get more Guardian Allies.

I referenced Sentry earlier. He’s our only non-Guardian Ally. Nice combo because you can leverage the extra face down encounter card.

You’ve got a Booster Boots in there to help reduce damage and to activate Dive Bomb.

Last cards are Hit and Run which is actually a nice value card, and can help with threat if it’s building up. You can also play it easily with the double Basic Resources. They round out the deck and are helpful to get out two high cost cards a turn, or just simply pay for Team-Building Exercise or Jet Boots or whatever.