Neighbourhood watch - Ms. Marvel/Justice

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

RandomDeckBuilder · 329

Deck Overview

Ms. Marvel is a character that has a unique and interesting set of signature cards along with a really fascinating hero ability that takes advantage of some of the types of events currently in the game. This deck aims to offer decent thwarting potential to the team while also ensuring it compliments the rest of signature cards as well as her play style.

When building the deck the one thing that's critical is to ensure you have enough attack, thwart and defence cards in the deck so that each turn you can take advantage of both Embiggen! and Shrink in the late game. As it'll be unlikely that you exhaust Ms. Marvel to attack or thwart for one utilising the events and allies at your disposal is essential to consistent victory.

Kamala Khan and her teen spirit ability incentivise us to build a deck at 40 cards so to dig as little as possible for the required signature cards. In the late game it's realistic that your deck is about 25 cards in size with the 8 signature cards remaining in the deck been the 8 events. This offers a good chance of finding one without accelerating your deck cycling too much.

This deck as of publication runs 8 of the available 9 total attack cards and 5 of the 6 total thwart cards. The reason primarily for running 2 and not 3 For Justice! is due mainly due to the fact in solo it's very rare you need to thwart for more than 6 in one turn and even if so you can recur the one just played, in multiplayer or if you feel it 5/6 lacks the consistency you need to draw a thwart card each turn as required I can easily see this card becoming a 3 of. It's important that you have the option of playing an attack card primarily each turn as it allows you to generate value from Embiggen! over time.

Ms. Marvel has a strange play style in that the turns you start in hero mode require you to play mainly from your hand and utilise the events you have while saving other supports, upgrades and allies until you flip and generate resource advantage and card draw from the three personas in her signature cards. Thus this deck aims to run cards that are playable from hand in alter-ego form so as to not waste cards each turn. This optimising is one of the challenges to Ms. Marvel in general and it's fun to learn and think about ways to take advantage of this unique play style. For example the inclusion of Surveillance Team over more events was two fold. Firstly it offered opportunity for a permanent and useful card to be played from hand in alter-ego form if your hand is flooded with hero actions, secondly a permanent card thins the deck slightly allowing you to play big hands, shrink and the other event cards more frequently.


  • Embiggen! and Shrink are your two main cards that generate value over time, exhausting them twice in a game each already makes up for their resource cost and more, and if you can play them early and utilise them in the transition from early to mid game it should ensure you are ready to win by the end game. It's important when building from any aspect that you ensure you have ways to consistently have an (attack) and (thwart) card in hand to play when in hero mode as to not lose value from not using the upgrades ability each turn where able.

  • Enduranceis a lovely card that gives Ms. Marvel some breathing room with regards to her health pool. Going from 10 -> 13 hp allows for her to take one or two hits before using her large recovery value of 5 to get back into the game.


  • Daredevil Your main ally that you will want to stick on the table for the entire game. Been able to both deal damage and thwart is great value. There are 2 First Aid in the deck which should be used to keep daredevil on the table. The fact it's an ally also allows Ms. Marvel to utilise her hero actions and then between her left over cards and Nakia Bahadir and Aamir Khan should be able to play daredevil after you flip.

  • Lockjaw A 4hp ally that doesn't particularly impress on first glance taking 2 consequential damage per use is surprisingly strong with Ms. Marvel mainly again to ensure you can use your resources optimally each turn when you flip to alter ego form. Many a turn have I ended up in alter ego form with a bunch of hero action cards that can't be played. The ability to play Lockjaw from the discard pile offers even greater flexibility on this and I often use him to block attacks after one use.

  • Mockingbird and Nick Fury are both useful allies that can both contribute damage or thwart potential to the board as well as additional value from stunning, defending and in the case of Nick Fury card draw into more cards. These two allies along with Lockjaw should occupy your 3rd ally slot while Daredevil stays on board and Red Dagger jumps in and out of the conflict as needed.

  • Red Dagger "I patrol these neighbourhoods" indeed. A fantastic ally that has 3 hp, 2 ATK and 2 THW and an ability that is incredibly useful. Use him twice and defend with him or simply use him three times and trigger his interrupt to deal 2 damage to an enemy and then replay him the same turn and use him again (this is incredibly useful if you are a ton of hero action cards in hand after already flipping).I Recommend that you keep a slot free for him and unless you are unable too due to specific cards in hand, his ability is very strong despite looking less optimal on paper. One cool interaction I had was blocking the villain's attack with Red Dagger, triggering the interrupt and using the damage to finish off a minion that had yet to attack me that turn.


  • Aamir Khan is a fantastic 1 cost support that not only lets you recur in one deck cycle some of the strongest cards in your deck (Big Hands, additional resource cards or any of the x1 cards in your deck) but he also draws you a card ensuring you draw towards those cards that are placed back in the deck. He synergises nicely with Kamala Khan and her teen spirit ability and allows you to replay the double resource cards, Nick Fury or ensure a signature card is in the deck for teen spirit.

  • Avengers Mansion and Helicarrier offer resource advantage but more importantly card draw and discount when in hero form thus creating a more consistent turn.

  • Bruno Carrelli a really interesting support that thins your deck for playing him but allows for some interesting combination turns. Most recently I used him to stockpile all 3 copies of Big Hands so that in one turn with a bit of help from some allies I could kill Green Goblin without resolving the 4 encounter cards. Edge cases for sure but in future decks this guy will certainly pull his weight.

  • Interrogation Room a nice way to offset Ms. Marvel 1 THW is by using interrogation room, it also generates good value over time provided the scenario has minions to throw at you.

  • Nakia Bahadir a nice cheaper Helicarrier that has the unfortunate downside of not been able to use to pay for the events you might want to use on the hero side unless you started your turn in alter ego. Otherwise a great resource advantage tool that synergises with our game plan of playing other supports and allies once we flip.

  • Surveillance TeamA way to use our resources efficiently and aids in thinning our deck for a time before cycling.


For your consideration

This deck is focussed more on solo play, but I'd advocate for adding Jessica Jonesif you are playing with more than one player or if you play against Klaw.

Thank you for reading feel free to comment below or contact me on discord. @Remedy#6926