Size-Changeing Justice

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

c08 · 2

Ms. Marvel has weak basic Hero stats so events are crucial while playing this character but to make it efficient she needs support and upgrades in play. Fortunately Alter-Ego ability allows to cycle fast through deck so finding right cards is easy.

Cards crucial to this deck are: Biokinetic Polymer Suit Embiggen! Shrink These cards are must have for maximum efficiency of events played.

Secondary cards that will help managing resources: Aamir Khan Bruno Carrelli Nakia Bahadir Helicarrier Enhanced Awareness Enhanced Physique Each of them help in it's own way and usually it is not necessary to have all in play.

Deck also have a lot of allies but you won't be able to play most of them. Play them depending on available resources. One small combo is Target Acquired with Agent Coulson which allows to have him in play for 1 resource less (if you don't have Target Acquired in play).

Deck also have only one justice resource ( The Power of Justice ) but with good resource management it does not need second copy in deck. Ms. Marvel "weakness", her basic stats, are also her advantage. It does not feel waste to exhaust her to remove those nasty cards like Confused or Stunned. Deck does not have many opportunities to defend against attacks so Ms. Marvel will absorb most of damage. Fortunately, unlike Hero form, Alter-Ego has really strong recovery so Ms. Marvel can heal fast all damage.


Sep 01, 2020 Bowser · 37

I think if you are playing Agent Coulson it is worth playing at least one copy of Counterintelligence. I think you can cut To the Rescue! since you have For Justice! and Sneak By.

IMO The Power of Justice > Enhanced Awareness or Enhanced Physique. I'd cut both the Enhanced cards for a second The Power of Justice. Getting the proper resource types is rarely an issue with her hand size, card draw, and Biokinetic Polymer Suit.

I like a copy of Under Surveillance in just about every justice deck. It can stop the villain from an early scheme advance, or give you the leeway to go in for the kill later.

Sep 01, 2020 c08 · 2

Interesting suggestion especially with Counterintelligence. As for The Power of Justice it is intentional that Enhanced Awareness and Enhanced Physique replace this card. They generate and symbols that can be used to trigger Concussive Blow, For Justice! or Red Dagger effects.