

Costo: 2.

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Risorsa Eroe: Esaurisci Consapevolezza Potenziata e rimuovi 1 gettone mente da essa → genera .

Capitan America #34.
Consapevolezza Potenziata

This feels like a great Iron Man card that will only get better as we get aerial support down the road. Rocket Boots needs the resource to trigger so this is really a 3 card investment for 3 turns of aerial, and for a character that wants to build to critical mass this feels like a decent piece of the puzzle.

This is exactly where my head went as well. On the surface, not a great investment, but ensuring you have the <span class="icon-mental"></span> when you need it can be hugely helpful. It also single-handedly has put [Black Widow](/card/01075) back into consideration for my protection decks. — diesel · 176
Ally Black Widow's response is an interrupt in the Enemy phase so there is no window where you can trigger this if I'm correct. For Iron Man this is very nice to have indeed. — Trebge68 · 21
Nah. Resource abilities can be triggered whenever you need to pay for a card, so as long as you're in hero form, this can pay for black widow. — Ensign53 · 52

Enhanced Awareness effectively costs 3 resources (2 plus itself) and drips 3 resources over time. On the face of it that’s a poor deal when any given card can be used for a single resource, but what Enhanced Awareness allows is to bank resources from the turn you play it and spend them on subsequent turns. Having 3 bonus resources on tap can help you when you’re trying to put together a nova turn but didn’t draw enough resource support.

And if you draw it when you have other priorities? It’s a safe discard.

walla151 · 16
Some of you logic makes sense, but every 40 card spot in a deck is pretty important. It is pretty rare that I have a game where I have a hand that I don’t have multiple things I could do. — tunicv · 697