Yell Oh! (Expert)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

celric · 441

Taking down expert scenarios with Hulk in true solo has been challenging, but this has finally helped me do it reliably.

This deck rewards patience and ramping up instead of going super hard right out of the gate.

Key Cards

Concussive Blow is big here. You want the freedom to become Bruce without allowing a free scheme so the damage is a cool bonus. The extra resources and card selection Banner gets go a long way with “the big guy.”

I block more than normal with my hero in this deck. I want to have some plan for threat or Banner's Laboratory before flipping, but after that I will heal often and aggressively.

Agent Coulson is possibly the MVP here. Sometimes his ability is essentially +1 resource. However, if you have at least 1 resource generating support in play, you'll be able to play the 1-cost preparations he finds.

That opens up some interesting choices. Spycraft is extremely valuable to avoid Advance, your nasty Shadow of the Past, or your particularly brutal obligation. Espionage helps you punch back hard from surges turns. Counterintelligence is also a good play if you have the resources for it.

His 2 THW is also fantastic. There have been games where I used him up instead of blocking. By the way, First Aid is usually prioritized for a 2 THW ally like Coulson or Daredevil over your hero.

Flex Cards

It's a nice feeling to have a flexible deck that can take on any scenario, but you'll improve your win-rate and the time it takes to complete a game with a few substitutions that address the specific challenges you are about to face. I'd recommend adjusting the counts of these cards depending on the scenario.

Beat Cop is cool, but ultimately pretty slow. When you have the minions/side schemes under control, it's a great card to maintain that control. You could add more against scenarios with few minions (like Rhino and Risky Business).

Usually, I was much happier to see the burst removal on For Justice!. It instantly clears almost every side scheme in solo.

The damage/threat combo of Stealth Strike is incredible in minion floods like Ultron and Mutagen.

Target Acquired is also a nice swap with boost heavy opponents. Usually you'd drop Espionage, but Counterintelligence and Under Surveillance could go in the right circumstances.

AM vs another Flex card

I get why a lot of people cut Avengers Mansion. However, it’s more useful here than for many heroes for 2 reasons:

1) Hulk can be starved for choices with 4 cards

2) It pays back the investment more quickly for Hulk with the 7 resources circulating in your deck

For Heroic games, you probably don't have the time to let this pay off.

Thanks for reading. Look forward to your comments. Enjoy!


Aug 15, 2020 Atrus · 366

Pretty close to my to-go Hulk deck. The only one who has managed to beat expert klaw with Masters of Evil so far. It's a great deck and I love the flex of having a wide x1 options. Is hard to make room, but Honorary avengers is doing wonders also with the allies. Have fun!

Aug 16, 2020 celric · 441

@Atrus Honorary Avenger is a cool idea on a 2 THW ally. What would you sub it for?

Aug 28, 2020 Atrus · 366

Probably the Stealth Strike