

Costo: 3.

Azione Eroe (attacco): Infliggi 4 danni a un nemico. Se quel nemico รจ sconfitto da questo attacco, rimuovi 2 minacce da una trama.

"Non capiranno mai cosa gli ha colpiti." -- Vedova Nera
Vedova Nera #13.
Colpo Furtivo

Almost 6 years after realease and no review? Interesting.

In 2025 this is still fine card (primaly in solo) There are many minions which had 4 health (or less). Benefit for remove 2 threat from any scheme (not restricted to main, or side) is very practical and .

And also there is many ways to create a combo with that card (this is a attack, or if you play with Thor and summon a minion for 2 cards).

Rating (A-C) B solid in many decks.

nosiak · 93