Solo Colo

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Colossus X Sabretooth (Sam's Game Cave) 0 0 0 1.0
Colossus - Clear Magneto - Standard 0 0 0 1.0
Colossus Friend! 0 0 0 1.0
colosuscopia 0 0 0 1.0
colosuscopia 0 0 0 2.0
[LMDT][Patronos] Coloso Justicia vs Fórmula Mutagénica 0 0 0 1.0

VillainTheory · 27671

A Justice deck designed purely for solo play. It is a low setup, high output build that aims to cover Colossus's main weakness of low thwarting, supplement his medium minion clearing, and make use of his incredible defenses!

At the time of posting, this deck has defeated:

  • Expert Klaw
  • Expert Klaw with Doomsday Chair modular
  • Expert Nebula
  • Expert Thanos

If you like this deck, I'd really appreciate a ❤ !


  • Allies cover most of the thwarting, especially when you slap on Mission Training
  • Colossus's cards and Stealth Strike cover the minion clearing/damage
  • Your defense is split between blocking with allies and simply using your many Toughs
  • Use the amazing thwarting Justice brings, along with the confuses from Steel Fist as well as Armor Up, to constantly go alter-ego to refresh your Toughs and get a LOT more cards


Titanium Muscles and Iron Will are your best cards to start with and by a significant amount. Deft Focus and Piotr's Studio are also excellent finds.


Thwarting is mainly handled by your allies, especially with Mission Training attached to them. While you can incorporate Utopia into the deck, my experience with testing it was that he could rarely afford to play it.

Angel + Mission Training = 5 ER for 10 ATK/THW, or 8 and a block. Blindfold + Mission Training = 6 ER for 12 THW, or 9 THW and a block. Marvel Girl + Mission Training = 6 ER for 15 THW, or 12 THW and a block. Shadowcat + #Mission Training = 6 ER for 15 THW, or 12 THW and a block. And potential to damage when needed.

Honorary X-Men is a cheap way to extend an ally's life, or even prime Wiccan for a Mission Training. It's also an easy way to deal with any effects that make you discard an upgrade.

Overwatch is great value even with just 2 threat removed, and Shadowcat can combo with it to get around crisis side schemes!

While Limitless Stamina is primarily included to attack, it's totally fine to use it to thwart when you have your Iron Will in play. If threat removal is what you need? Don't hesitate.

Ideally your allies will cover the majority of thwarting, but Clear the Area aids you in the early game or when you have left over cards, and drawing an extra card is particularly useful for a character with a small hero hand size but amazingly powerful hero cards. You can live with an amplify icon (extra boost icon) side scheme, but this helps you clean up those horrible hazard icon (extra encounter card) schemes!

Attacking / Damage:

Most of the damage in this deck comes from Colossus' hero cards, along with the addition of Stealth Strike. While Stealth Strike isn't the most efficient card, it's the most consistent way Justice has of being able to provide damage - Colossus does not have enough thwarting/reliable card draw to include Turn the Tide from my testing.

Limitless Stamina is cheap damage with Deft Focus and Titanium Muscles, and helps you be ready to use Made of Rage whenever necessary.

Angel, Ironheart, Marvel Girl and Shadowcat are all helpful too, especially when you need to remove Toughs.


Colossus is Colossus - which is to say he has a ridiculous amount of Tough cards. While it's nice to keep them to use with your hero cards, Toughs have absolutely amazing worth simply being used to prevent damage, especially against heavy hitters like Thanos. With ample ways to regain Toughs, it's often affordable and usually possible to end the villain phase with at least 1 Tough - which ensures you can use a hero card that consumes one, and makes it easier to get back to 2 Toughs through the amazing Bulletproof Protector.

Blocking with allies is another great use. If the ally has less than 3 THW and is at 1 HP, block. If they have 3 THW, block if necesary.


The best thing about Justice Colossus is the ability to go alter-ego so often. If you have Piotr's Studio up, going alter-ego gets you a total of 4 extra cards and lets you shuffle one of your best cards back into your deck through Piotr's hero ability. Since his hero hand size is 4, going alter-ego is like getting an extra turn's worth of cards if you had stayed in hero form.

Go alter-ego, use Piotr's Studio (+1 card), draw a new hand of cards at the end of turn (+2 cards over hero form), use Piotr's Studio (+1 card) at the start of the next turn = +4 card advantage.

Steel Fist confusing the villain is great for this. In villains with Stalwart, Under Surveillance is key and doesn't hurt against those without Stalwart either. Armor Up is also excellent, and if you have 6 cards or less left in your deck before going alter-ego, you can guarantee getting Armor Up in you next hand through Piotr's ability to shuffle one back into your deck!

The best cards to shuffle back into your deck with your alter-ego ability will depend on your situation or the villain.

  • If the villain is Stalwart, prioritize Organic Steel over Steel Fist.
  • If you're struggling with threat, Shadowcat could be essential.
  • Lots of minions? Shuffle Made of Rage back in.
  • And Bulletproof Protector is always amazing.

Don't worry if you're not sure what to shuffle back in - all these cards are amazing. You can't go wrong!

Good luck and have fun!


Sep 30, 2022 Theberg123 · 1539

I like how this rounds out, seems pretty consistent. Since you said yourself that Stealth Strike wasn't the best but you kept it for damage, was their other damage sources you considered? I think the 3-Cost hurts early on, and the cost stays pretty awkward for 4-card hand sizes even after your first resource generator. The Miles Morales ally costs the same and does the same damage the turn it's played, and can either be more decent damage, a chump blocker, or Thwart comparatively to Stealth Strikes kicker. Quake can also be decent damage in Justice if you want something cheaper, but I don't think Plan B is bad either personally when you want to fix your hand as a low size hero.

Overall like the plan you made here!

Sep 30, 2022 VillainTheory · 27671

Miles would be a fine swap! He's always great.

I didn't have any problems with Stealth Strike's cost between all Colossus' 0-cost cards and so on. It's a last resort when you don't have better damage, not something you're utterly reliant on.

Oct 02, 2022 ematlosz · 1

This was really good. Used X-Jet instead of Deft Focus. Played against Expert Klaw with Doomsday Chair. This deck had a really easy time with it. This one is not getting deconstructed any time soon. Thanks!

Oct 02, 2022 guyheinz · 1

Okay. Dumb question here— I really like this deck, but how do I “like” this deck? How do I add a little heart to the 32 this deck already has? I can’t find that function anywhere…

Oct 02, 2022 guyheinz · 1

Nevermind, I figured it our. Lol. Great deck here!

Oct 03, 2022 cindar92 · 1

Maybe I’m playing the deck wrong but I got destroyed by Expert Klaw with the Masters of Evil three times in a row. Got swarmed by minions and couldn’t keep a tough. Not enough damage in his kit or a way to handle guards with tough. How did you handle expert Klaw?

Oct 03, 2022 VillainTheory · 27671

Thanks for the kind words! @guyheinz @ematlosz

As for Expert Klaw, @cindar92, Made of Rage is a convenient way to deal with the big minions. Alternatively, Stealth Strike + basic ATK in any order handles almost every minion, especially with the +1 ATK from Titanium Muscles. Basic ATK + Limitless Stamina to basic ATK again is also very good. Any missing damage or tough removal is best found from an ally.

Expert Klaw is at his hardest on turn 1 and gets easier as you deal with all the stuff he starts off with. Sometimes you have to play for tempo and just deal with what's in front of you rather than build up upgrades to begin with. So perhaps a change in approach might help too! Or perhaps it's just the card game luck factor.

Colossus' best card is Steel Fist if the villain isn't steady/stalwart. Locking down the villain for two activations puts the tempo in your favour and helps you get/keep Tough status cards. Going alter-ego a lot helps Colossus immensely. So I also recommend prioritizing that for Klaw if you're not already. Good luck!

Oct 07, 2022 SignificantFigure · 2

I ended up going to Justice with Colossus as well. Our decks are similar. Want do you think of using One Way or Another to help with 4 hand size on Colossus. It seemed to me that having this helped me get built faster or get the cards needed to drop a big hit when I need to.

Oct 07, 2022 VillainTheory · 27671

@SignificantFigure My problem with One Way or Another for Colossus is that it means he now has another scheme to thwart - and while that's normally the case with One Way or Another, most characters have much better thwarting and a better initial hand size.

With a hand size of 4, OWoA takes up 25% of it - in other words, Colo has less chance to get a thwart card in hand. And so, if the other three cards aren't a solution to a side scheme, OWoA is a massive gamble. You could just pull in a side scheme you can't deal with, and the cards you draw might also not be what you want that turn.

Colossus has less thwarting cards than Spider-Man Peter Parker or Hulk, and while, thanks to Iron Will and readies, he can arguably thwart better than them, that only helps if you've already found Iron Will.

Oct 08, 2022 SignificantFigure · 2

@VillainTheory I see what you're saying. In my testing it worked well but i knew i could get low that scemes out and i had iron will early. Perhaps I'll try your build. Hopefully we get a couple more low cost basic xmen allies to work with mission training

Oct 20, 2022 Kenji · 15

Hey! Interesting deck! What changes would you make in 2p multi with an agression shadowcat deck?

Oct 20, 2022 VillainTheory · 27671

@Kenji I'd drop both Stealth Strikes in an instant - you don't need them with an Aggression player dealing damage. I'd also drop 1x Honorary Avenger, 1x Clear the Area, and Wiccan.

With those 5 spaces, I'd add The X-Jet, 3x For Justice, and 1x Overwatch.

Good luck! =)

Oct 20, 2022 Kenji · 15

yeah seems like some good replacements!

Oct 20, 2022 Kenji · 15

Maybe Lay down the law instead of For justice no? With a hand of 4 cards, For justice seems pretty hard to play. And if you back and forth a lot with alter ego, lay down could be good except when you have it in your hero hand. But For Justice is 3 of your 4 cards so that doesn't playable no?

Oct 21, 2022 VillainTheory · 27671

@Kenji With the X-Jet, For Justice takes up less of your hand to play. Especially if you also have Titanium Muscles out. I don't think Colossus can afford to constantly flip every single turn while controlling the threat for two players - and with a hand size of 4, drawing Lay Down the Law and being unable to play it really clogs up your hand. It basically gives you 25% fewer options that turn, and that's significant.

Your experience may vary depending on the villain and the Shadowcat deck. If Shadowcat is happy to play Phased and Confused every time she draws it and let you benefit from the confuse status card to go alter-ego, and the villain doesn't have steady or stalwart, flipping every single turn becomes a lot more viable.

Oct 26, 2022 lkmyst · 14

Nice deck! I beat Expert Mutagen Formula on the 2nd try.

The 1st try was bad luck: Wicked Ambitions brought out 3 more minions, & I got overwhelmed & schemed out.

2nd try went smoothly, even with Juggernaut coming out.

Minion-heavy scenarios appear to be a good test for Colossus, since even the little minions ping off his Toughs. And those Goblin Soldiers are annoying, after they're defeated!

Oct 26, 2022 lkmyst · 14

I liked the deck so much I played again & beat Expert Kang on the 1st try, despite Juggernaut coming out again.

So far I'm having a little more challenge thwarting than doing damage, so I might try switching Stealth Strike for some cheap thwarting cards.

Oct 31, 2022 VillainTheory · 27671

@lkmyst Nice work! Yeah, if you feel you don't need the damage then totally swap out Stealth Strike for some more thwarting. Definitely the move to make.

I hope it went well after the changes!

Jun 25, 2023 brigerbaerger · 1

This is an awsome justice deck! I won against MaGog, Venom and The Sentinel in Standard and Expert mode and had a lot of fun! Thanks very much @VillainTheory - Great work!

Sep 22, 2023 rhino39 · 1

What an awesome deck! @VillainTheory I’m just now starting to play some expert scenarios and was able to beat expert Klaw, Sentinels and Magneto with this deck! Well done!

Apr 16, 2024 jerpanic · 14

I have this build ready to go against the 4 Horsemen today. I’m going to try to aim focus on Honorary X on Wiccan and if luck has it mission training. His response so wicked when drawing a good encounter boost