Soul Searching - Adam Warlock

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

jrec15 · 152

Adam is a BEAST once he's setup, and setting him up doesn't have to be that hard!

This deck focuses on drawing and churning, keeping a low cost curve on events for max utility, getting awesome value from battle mage and allies, and always having Soul World charged and ready for tanking. Honestly it's damn fun to always have so many unique options.

Where's all this drawing lead to? (Besides obviously more options and resources)

  1. Getting your key upgrades out ASAP. We want 2x Mystic Senses and Karmic Staff. Warlock's Cape isn't as crucial in this build, but it's still great so absolutely take it as long as it doesn't significantly hold you back to do so. Thanks to 2x Quantum Magic, we can much more safely churn with Adam than other heroes.

  2. You should always have a good battle mage option, without resorting to a 50 card deck. 40 card decks have the same benefits they always did in increasing consistency, with an extra benefit in Adam of charging Soul World quicker.

  3. More Karmic Blast, a super powerful event, usually 5-7 damage for a 2 cost event on a Deft Focus target? Yes please. Magic Attack and Toe to Toe end up feeling close to as powerful as well.

  4. A nearly constantly charged Soul World. Soul World is just a fun card. While I don't think the current card pool uses it to the fullest, I couldn't help but try to make good use of it. Toe to Toe made the cut as a bursty attack with a villain attack you can easily afford. Overall being able to face tank anything just feels so smooth - Overkill and Piercing are no longer threats to you at all.

Other notes:

  • Gamora is here because her value is insane with the kind of low cost events in this deck, which inspired turning her into a mini voltron. Battle mage protection/Innovation offer plenty of options to keep her nearly always healed and ready. Energy Spear belongs to her as soon as you can manage it, but works fine on Angela too. Laser Blaster is also here for Gamora.
  • The defense events and Starhawk are meant to give you some options should they prove situationally useful, but most of the time I prefer to battle mage ally heal with them and that's by far the best battle mage option once you have Gamora out.
  • I defend sometimes but if possible I tend to take things undefended and go for the 1/1 atk/thwart. And I still chump block whenever possible.
  • 1 atk/1 thwart basic actions may seem pitiful but it is still pretty useful as a finisher or status clearing. I looked at Combat Training but I just don't find the cost worth it over the other re-usable and cheap aggression cards, I like thwarting/defending with Adam as well anyway.
  • Call for Aid has three targets here and I like it that way. It has potential to churn a lot or be a full deck dumper (if all avengers are out) if you need it to charge Soul World. I've found typically the regular pace is enough to charge Soul World, so I generally don't deck dump with it but still use it to pick up a good ally.
  • The allies feel like a greatest hits list with low cost and card drawing emphasis. Not much to explain there, and hard not to like how Adam can pull whoever he chooses. I still play Pip the Troll (only with his trigger) as the build happens to have great resources for him, his tankiness isn't super needed but still welcome.
  • I originally ran this as 42 cards with both Strength and Genius included, but overall the double resources have just been debatable as I've tested them. The deck has 16+ 2 cost targets, which makes them seem great! And they do help you setup - but 5 of those targets are key permanent upgrades (2 of which deft focus targets) and 5 more are deft focus events. Then you're left with allies, and I'm not going too wide here. So 3 resource cards just ends up feeling fine for setup but then detrimental. I've liked having 1, 3 might be a little safer but 1 feels quicker/smoother to the finish line.