Scott Summers



Costo: 3.
Punti Ferita: 2.
Attack: 2. Thwart: 2.

Response: After Cyclops enters play, choose an enemy. Until the end of the phase, increase the amount of damage that enemy takes from each attack by 1.

"To me, my X-Men!"
Magneto #15.
No image

Cyclops is a phenomenal finishing card for high player count games. If each player has 2 allies in play that can attack, their hero's basic attack, and one more attack from hand, Cyclops adds 4 damage per player, up to 16 in a 4-player game. If another player at the table has a dedicated attacking deck with Clobbers, additional readies, or a large ally swarm, it's not crazy to say Cyclops's ability could add 20+ damage to the villain on the turn he comes down. Even in the early turns, he can make it easier to kill a large-health minion. His value decreases in lower player count games where there simply aren't as many attacks available in a single turn. I would almost never play him in solo as there are plenty of better ally options, but there is potential for certain heroes to use him well. War Machine can save up ammo on Munitions Bunker for a massive Shoulder Cannon with each individual attack buffed by Cyclops for an end result of double the total damage War Machine would otherwise do. Iron Man also comes to mind as someone who has a basic attack, a ready from Arc Reactor, 2 attacks from Powered Gauntlets, and several good attack events to turn Cyclops into a good finishing blow. I'm a fan of any X-Men with an enters play ability for "To Me, My X-Men!", and Cyclops's is a unique one to add to a deck's toolbox that can tutor allies regularly with Make the Call and Call for Backup. In situations with a retaliate villain or ally readying effects and Rapid Response, Cyclops's ability could be triggered multiple times for a huge burst of damage. This is a sweet card to build around and a nice callback to Exploit Weakness from Cyclops's own hero cards

Stretch22 · 938