Kamala Hates Museums (Infiltrate the Museum hot tech)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Alduc · 1044

The first Collector scenario in The Galaxy's Most Wanted pretty much require some building up against, as most deck will be neutered by the necessity of avoiding cards being discarded from play. As Ms. Marvel mostly relies on event (which are excluded from that mechanic), she is an excellent candidate for going after this Elder.

On two additional allies are included: Clea sidesteps the collection entirely, and Warlock can be healed and kept in play. To compensate, the deck includes plenty of ways to stun the villain, prevent damage, or heal Kamala.

The only reason to play Bruno Carrelli is to protect other supports and upgrades. His ability probably shouldn't be used - if he gets discarded all cards under him go into the collection as well, and that could very well mean a game loss.

At first glance it might seen that there are not enough superpowers to justify the single copy of Deft Focus. However, Big Hands is a superpower, and a prime candidate to being reshuffled back with Aamir Khan.