Wasp’s Teamwork Hivemind

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

KennedyHawk · 17967

Hey all!

KennedyHawk here fresh of a few weeks jamming the new Wasp cards. I love the ability she has in giant form to spread damage and threat removal around and wanted to build a deck with that in mind using my favorite aspect.

Basics The basic idea with this deck is to focus on two forms Nadia Van Dyne and Wasp's Giant hero form. We want to use allies as batteries so you won't be chumping with allies very often. Instead you'll be getting allies out (up to 5 using Stinger and The Triskelion and using Strength In Numbers to cycle your deck and get the right cards at the right time. The key is using Lead from the Front and following up with a Teamwork basic attack or thwart. Even if you only ally is Stinger you are now hitting or thwarting for 5, and the other allies only increase that!

Ally Choices Since you want to include Teamwork and many other events we have to limit our ally choices. Here's where I came to my conclusions but you could definitly swap some in and out. Both Ant-Man's are included to get more consistent use out of Swarm Tactics. Wonder Man has a great 3 bast ATK to be a nice battery to boost with Teamwork. Likewise Giant-Man starts with a base 4 attack! Stinger is mainly there to be your solo chump block engine. You could swap her for Squirrel Girl if you want to use Nadia Van Dyne's recursion. Speaking of...

Recursion Choices You are going to want to recur things often using Nadia's ability. The obvious target is Swarm Tactics but don't sleep on Moxie and Make the Call as recursion targets as well. Finally I've included 3 copies of Enhanced Awareness because after their uses are complete they are great to send back into your deck. Being used more often leaves you with a nice supply of resources to spend on your events!

Wombo Combo I originally tried to make this deck work with Goliath and Rapid Response both of which can be recurred. The cost curve ended a little to high for me to get consistent use out of teamwork. Instead I opted for the Giant-Man route. I try to target him with the sole copy of Inspired putting his stats to 5 ATK and 3 THW. This makes each copy of Teamwork insane. To keep his health high you may consider copies of First Aid but I found Make the Call was more essential for non damage removal (curse you Kang (The Conqueror))!

Cost Curve: The deck has a fairly low cost curve with a lot of 2 cost cards. 30 cards cost 2 and under, 5 cards are 3 and up and 5 are resources. This means you'll almost always be playing two cards on your turn.

Team Up This deck combo's well with an aggression player. Adding a Boot Camp or Enraged to your board just makes Teamwork insane! In one game I was able to get Giant-Man up to a base 8 ATK at which point Wasp just went to town.

Try this deck out and let me know what you think? Which allies would you swap in and out? Is it a mistake not taking staple mental cards like Nick Fury and Avengers Mansion (spoiler alert, probably). I've had a blast with this deck tweaking it through 3-4 iterations and cant wait to reevaluate it each time an Ally comes out.


Feb 08, 2021 norsah1947 · 1

Teamwork is such an underrated card and you made it work with the most unlikeliest of heroes. Great work

Mar 04, 2021 Randito · 39

Agreed. Nice use of big allies and Teamwork. All of the allies are on theme too. Except Wonder Man.. but hey, whatcha gonna do?

Mar 25, 2021 wehehe · 198

I see some nice ideas here. Some questions: As all alies in the deck are avengers, have you considered Avengers Tower instead of Triskelion? It can be targeted with G.I.R.L. in case you must discard it, or use it as a resource, it just costs 1 resource more, and it offers you some resources to play for allies.

Also, I'm not a big fan of the enhanced upgrades unless you specifically need a specific type of resource. Have you tried using Helicarrier and or Quincarrier? I know, they are one resource more expensive, but in the long game they are far better.

I really love your approach to Wasp, maybe it's the first deck I see here which focus on it's Giant ability, which I also believe it's one of it's biggest strengths.

Dec 10, 2022 Wet · 1

The whole idea of using Lead from the front with Teamwork to attack is good in principle, but WASP need to defend most of the time. Therefore, WASP cannot use its base attack most of the time...

I tried this deck three times: I have never been able to use the Teamwork gimmick ... Because I needed to defend, or because the ally needed to twarth, or whatever ...

Maybe if we add cards that 1. would heal WASP in hero form, or 2. ready the hero ...

Dec 10, 2022 KennedyHawk · 17967

@christiantrempe Thanks for your comment - I have an updated version of this deck I should publish over the 2 year old one. I see your point about defending but I’ve not had that much trouble alternating between defends, teamworks and flip downs to heal.

You get some passive healing form pun particles and typically aren’t teamworking every turn. you could try swapping enhanced reflexes for first aid but I think the tempo will only set us back.

Jan 03, 2023 Matafer · 15

Great deck! Def needs to be updated with the newer cards that could help it. The teamwork combo (when a player can get it to work) feels awesome! Played great with Antman Aggression!