Card draw simulator
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None. Self-made deck here. |
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MrSelfDestruct · 97
Wanda Maximoff gets a bad rap. "She's unstable", they say. "Too chaotic", they say.
Wanda's tired of hearing this. She's hear to show you she isn't just an agent of chaos - she's gonna pull herself together, get Organized, and lead the Avengers into battle herself!
This deck is centered around the new resource card Organizational Support and the old, underappreciated Avengers support Quinjet. Now, while you are waiting for the Quinjets to charge up to pay for your expensive Avengers, you can exhaust them to generate resources! Organization Support can become a 4 resource card with all 3 Quintets on the table, but you'll find value even in just getting one down. I'm not the first to discover this combo, but it works really really well with Scarlet Witch! (For another great deck with this idea, check out D.M Tip's Thorganizational Support!
With Spiritual Meditation, her Superpowered Siblings AE ability, and the card draw from Hex Bolt and Avengers Mansion, you should have no trouble getting exactly the cards you need to hand most turns. Once you get even a little built up, you can easily pay for the Big Blue Helicarrier The Circe - which might feel like overkill when you are so rich in a solo game, but it's a great way to share the wealth in multiplayer.
For the ally suite, feel free to adjust to your scenario needs, but Avengers are the name of the game here. Blade, Kaluu, Stinger, and Hawkeye are the cheaper options, good for early game protection but also great targets for Organizational Support if not needed for chump blocking.
For the big boys - Circe and a full power Quinjet can get them in free, or Avengers Tower can reduce the cost. (the Tower is another target for Organizational Support as well). Then,Mighty Avengers and Avengers Assemble! buff them up for huge turns.
Hope Summers isn't an Avenger in hand, but she is once she hits the table - and she can get you a well timed Hex Bolt or even Chaos Magic to get out a big card for "free"!
With a little help from all your Avenger friends, you'll have no trouble dealing with Luminous when you Face the Past either.
This deck may feel too resource heavy in the late game - but by've likely already won.
If you wanted to squeeze in any more cards (it's already at 45, but with all the cycling Wanda doesn't mind a 50 card deck as much as most) some ways for allies to ready again might be useful (Command Team, Get Ready, another copy of Avengers Assemble maybe?).
Have fun being organized!
Mar 25, 2025 |
Mar 25, 2025Love it! |
Mar 27, 2025Sounds crazy fun. Can't wait to try it out when i get the agents of shield myself |
Mar 27, 2025
Mar 27, 2025Took this for a spin and it went really well! Love Quinjets being resources, so cool |
Ooo I have to play this! I love when Org Support has fun targets you struggle otherwise to play — Molecular Decay totally qualifies!