Card draw simulator
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NewfieLad · 378
Please Note: For Expert play, use the list as is. In standard, replace White Tiger with Stinger.
Deck Alteration: -1 Superpower Training, +1 Build Support (put in the wrong player side scheme).
This deck focuses on having allies to defend you while utilizing Gamma/Photon. We will almost never want to change to Pulsar form unless it's via Pulsar Shield. Even then, you only want that if you have an easy form change or you think you might die from an attack/damage. Since you'll mainly be changing between Gamma and Photon, it should be easy to plan the best use of your hero's activation.
On the first deck pass, you're going to want to focus on getting out cheap allies to help defend you since we're avoiding Pulsar form. Ant-Man, Blade, Nick Fury (if you draw 3), and Kaluu (if you don't use the event you draw) can be played for 1 resource. White Tiger is essentially 0 - 1 resources when playing expert mode. War Machine is more expensive, but can be played via Call for Backup and has 2 blocks in him. Not always the best Call for Backup, but can be a good choice. Blade (w/ Mighty Avengers) in the late game can be a cheap 3 damage/2 thwart for one of your Energy Duplication while in Gamma or via Quincarrier.
Since we're talking allies, Blue Marvel can help you change forms and is a great choice for Rapid Response if you need to change form. That said Nick Fury (for general card draw) and Kaluu (to get a form changing event) can be good targets for Rapid Response. So, get out those allies and try to get down: Avengers Tower, Helicarrier, Quincarrier, Deft Focus, and 2x Energy Duplication. Mighty Avengers is a good idea on the first deck pass. Though, whether that is through Build Support or resources will depend on the game state when you draw them. Thankfully, both player side schemes can be completed with one Spectrum activation (in true solo). Make the Call is mainly used for if you need a cheap blocker or you want to get Blue Marvel/Kaluu for form changing.
So, you'll rely on your allies (hopefully /w Mighty Avengers), your events, and your basic activation (when you're in the ideal form) to control the board. Between Blue Marvel/Kaluu (with Rapid Response or Make the Call) and your Speed of Light cards, you shouldn't have too much issues with being in the wrong form. When you're economy is prepped, you should have no trouble chipping the villain with strong allies, doing Gamma Blast, and basic attacking for 3 until your opponent is dead.
Here's a video of the deck being played by Web-Warrior Fanatic against Expert Thanos: