Card draw simulator
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Irulan · 8
This deck sees now Psylocke, after she came back again from the death realm, thanks to her brother Jaimie, joining the ranks of X-Force. She was then particularly agressive as was the team so i've added a lot of attacks event, all featuring her.
The roster is quite complicated since it changed a lot; her own version of X-Force included Bishop, Fantomex, Storm, Puck (from Alpha Flight, absent of the game) and Spiral - only seen as a Villain - in a redemption sadly short-lived path.
So i've added Cable, Hope Summers and Deadpool who were often part of the team at that time and worked with Psylocke; Domino, M (Monet St. Croix), Deathlok and a few others could eventually replace some members according your preferences.
Angel & Fantomex were then her main suitors; so Soaring Hearts has its place; Angel's Aerie could have been added but not so much place, either as a net for lovely birds or as a previous base of operations.
This dark period allows to include many cards featuring Psylocke missing in previous decks : Clobber [the version from the Age of Apocalypse], Powerful Punch, when she fought Magneto to death (alone!!! how badass she can be), Psi-Bow Attack & Psi-Flail Strike since she was using her Telepathy and Telekinesis for a variety of specific effects. There was no place for another Psychic Assault whereas the card also features her fight with Magneto.
I've hesistated for Team Investigation since the card features her in a side with almost all the X-Men blue team but i tried to limit the forbidden cards in some decks.
Upside the Head, Overwatch & Warrior Skill also feature her; that is a balance between the pro-active planification and the often murderous path that was taken.
IPAC, Uncanny X-Force & X-Bunker are reinforcing the X-Force thematic.
Fluff only, There are cards from every aspect; a change would cancel the goal of the deck and need too much modifications