Costo: 2.

Alleanza. (I giocatori possono pagare i costi di questa carta come gruppo.)

Azione Eroe: Rimuovi 3 minacce da una trama secondaria.

"Se mi concedete una frase fatta: l'unione fa la forza." — Bestia
EvoluXione Futura #53.
Indagine di Squadra

Saying "it's worst than Spider-man" and leave it at that makes no sense. You can have only one copy of Spider-man, this lets you play Spider-man AND 3 copies of an event that thwarts as much as him. You don't have to choose.

RamistAR · 326
Agreed. This card doesn't make sense in single player, but it's much more flexible and better than spider man in multiplayer. Alliance lets you split the cost with other players. Spiderman's response only triggers if you play him from your hand, therefore it doesn't work with Make the Call, Call For Backup etc. — erikw1984 · 29

This card's cost is 2 Per Player not 2. In a 3 player game for 6 it removes 9 which you can do for cheaper and more effectively with Spider-Man. Depending on the side scheme status, Even the Odds is likely a better play as well.

I get that Alliance means everyone can pitch in for the side scheme here but overall not a great include. Would depend on what you can cut for it. If you have less than 3 Overwatch and Psychic Manipulation in your deck then you don't have room for this.

Lerysh · 38
Yeah, I don't get cards like this that are just plain weak and obviously so... — Erathis · 17
Sorry, hit enter... Anyhow, Justice Ally Spider-Man: Peter Parker (not the hero card linked above) just straight up invalidates this card's existance on its own. It would already be a weak card no matter what but Peter is just plain better at doing what this card wants to do in virtually every way. The one thing this card has is alliance and frankly I've yet to see alliance do anything meaningful in a game. — Erathis · 17
It’s cool to see a card with a per player cost, I think they should add more cards like this — MasterKitFisto · 2
Another thing to keep in mind is that it's not a Thwart. It can still be used when Confused. The downside is you can't use it with Overwatch or other cards that work with thwarting. — eapfel · 1

Fantasy Flight missed the mark with this card. Their intention to make a multi-player scaling card was good, their execution was not. To properly scale multiplayer cards the format needs to be: (Flat value below curve plus 1 value per player). The end result of this format should be a clearly bad card at solo, close to even with other staples at 2, and then above average value at 3-4.

To fix this card it needs to read: 2-Cost: Alliance, Remove 2 threat, plus 1 additional threat per-player from a side scheme.

At Solo this would under-perform compared to what For Justice, Crisis Averted, and Multitasking can accomplish.

At 2 Players this would come up even with For Justice with the added restriction of side-scheme only targeting but the added utility of min/maxing player hands via alliance.

At 3-4 Players this would be a clear auto-include over/alongside For-Justice.

This is not a dead card. It clears almost all player side schemes in the game. And it scales to multiplayer. In a multiplayer game you can play Build Support or Superpower Training and on the same turn clear it allowing everyone to tutor out a powerful support/identity upgrade. For perspective the equivalent would be like if every player in that game had a For Justice in hand and played it as a request action.

I think in solo this card is a weaker For Justice because it lacks the bonus +1 opportunity but if you are really needing extra THW like in a Sinister Six matchup and have already slotted in x3 For Justice, it isn’t the worst thing in the world.

jodys · 3