
Attacco. Psionico.

Costo: 2.

Gioca solo se la tua identità possiede il tratto PSIONICO.

Azione Eroe (attacco): Infliggi 3 danni a un nemico. Confondi quel nemico.

Phoenix #32.
Assalto Psichico

Confusing the villain is worth about two resources on its own, so getting three damage stapled on for just the cost of a card is a nice value. One of the few ways to access Confuse in Aggression, though fairly restricted on which decks can use it due to the trait requirement.

Fry · 248

Right now it's only playable in Phoenix decks (although Psylocke will be available soon), but MAN is it a workhorse there. Confuse effects are especially important to aggression decks, and having a turn where you can safely flip to Alter-Ego mode without worrying about scheme getting out of control makes singleplayer aggression so much more forgiving. I confidently play three-of and I don't expect to take any copies out any time soon.

DaLucaray · 16