The Ultimate 3-4 Player Build - Block 4 attacks and deal 15+

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

calderc23 · 107

Preliminaries:This is easily the strongest Hero deck I have ever created for multiplayer and I have played every hero in every aspect of the game. In this deck, Bishop is a top-of-the-heap S+ class hero. This deck is built with 4 players in mind. The Deck changes with lower player counts as there isn't much point in blocking 4+ times a round in lower player counts. (I will detail the changes for lower player counts later.) The best part of this deck is that it gets stronger the harder the villain hits. This deck requires at least one other player to play an X-Men.

Deck Concept: The key idea of this deck is that half the deck is made up of resource cards. When Bishop takes damage he draws cards equal to the damage and gets to keep only the resource cards. In addition, his Bishop's Uniform heals 1 damage and Bishop's Rifle deals one damage per resource card in his hand. Everything else was built on this concept. I then looked for the most expensive cards high-impact cards that I could build. The absolute KEY cards of this deck are Bishop's Uniform, Bishop's Rifle, and Symbiote Suit. The primary point of the Symbiote Suit is that it gives you enough hit points to easily take 2-3 hits a turn from any villain in the game and not die before the Uniform heals you. (I can't believe I just described +1 hand size and +1 to all your powers as a side benefit. laugh.)

Early turns\Mulligan: In your starting hand if you don't have any of Bishop's Uniform, Bishop's Rifle, or Symbiote Suit than mulligan everything, even double resources or other high-value cards. If you have any of those 3 then keep it and any double resources to build it and mulligan everything else. Our goal is to build those 3 cards as quickly as possible.

In future turns, if the Bishop's Rifle or the Bishop's Uniform are in the discard pile flip down to alter ego to get the card back with Bishop's Temporally Displaced ability and then build it. (Both cards are temporal.) Your next priorities are to build Nightcrawler and Starhawk. Soon you will be milling so many cards they will be hard to find if they are discarded. The next priority is any other Supports or Upgrades to get them out of the deck. 90+% of the time you will not be using Avengers Mansion, Helicarrier, or the The X-Jet. They are all in your deck as expensive high-impact cards to support the other players as you don't need the resources. Besides, the other players are almost always going to have better uses for them than you will. Plus, it will make you very popular with the other players.

How to Block 4 times a turn after the Big 3 are built: Once you have Bishop's Uniform built you will want to take the villain's attack every turn without blocking and then block for another player. Only after blocking that 2nd attack do you use the Uniform to heal. Nightcrawler will then block for one of the other X-Men players and go back into your hand. (This is why we need one other player to play an X-Men as we don't want to use him on ourselves as that will just reduce our card draw.) If Utopia has been built you even get to ready yourself every turn when you build Nightcrawler. Check that no one else needs readying first as sometimes that can be the better play.Lockjaw Blocks the 4th attack every turn as he can be built from the discard pile.

How to we do 15+ damage\thwart a turn: After the big 3 are built we will typically have a hand size of about 10. That allows us to pay for Nightcrawler, Lockjaw, and Starhawk every turn. On even low turns the Rifle will do 7 damage, 6 from the Allies, and 3 from the Utopia readying us comes to 15. We will do considerably more than that on the turn we have Concussive Blast or Super-Charged ready to pop off.

How to Use Certain Cards: Starhawk is pretty simple. Each turn you either attack with him or thwart with him to exactly reach his health so he goes back into your hand to be used all over again. This way you have something to spend something on every turn. Use him last as rarely you won't have enough resources to build him again which means you will have to hold and and reduce next turns card draw.

Get Behind Me! will need some care. Unless you are playing a weaker villain you probably can't take 3 hits from the villain in a turn without the Symbiote Suit. You can play this one of two ways. Either, use the Bishop's Uniform during the 2nd attack and save Get Behind Me! for use on powerful treachery cards, or use this on the first treachery anyone draws and then use the Uniform to heal the damage from all of the attacks. I generally just use Get Behind Me! on the first Treachery card as otherwise, you take the chance of no one drawing a treachery and thus missing out on using the Uniform this turn.

Things To Look Out For Count the remaining deck in your deck when you get low. You don't want to kill Lockjaw if you are going to shuffle your deck this turn as then you won't be able to use him for a while. Just build him and don't use him if it will kill him till after you shuffle. When your deck is very low you might not want to take extra attacks as you won't be able to heal all of the damage as you lose any extra draw when you shuffle the deck.

Other Player Decks Ideally, the other players will play X-Men or X-Force and play Children of the Atom on themselves. That will let them use the X-Jet or Block with Nightcrawler for them.

Of special note are Alliance keyworded cards. These cards the group pays for. You often have extra resources so you could pay for these if other players put them into their decks. Team Investigation will remove 12 threat from a side-scheme and you can easily afford to pay the majority of the cost for this. This is perfect for some of the player-side schemes.

Changes for 3 Players or Cards already taken by someone else. In a 3-player game you can drop either Lockjaw or Nightcrawler as you don't need 4 blockers and dropping one lets you build your signature allies.

If you are below 40 the first card to add is a Resource card to get you to 20 and then add additional Bait and Switch cards to get you to 40. I don't do additional Get Behind Me! as I don't want to risk colliations between them.

Changes for 2 Players Drop Utopia, Nightcrawler, and Get Behind Me. Add one resource card and 2 Bait and Switch cards.


Jan 08, 2025 Kingbarbarossa · 97

Legit. This is a really cool idea.

Jan 08, 2025 wehehe · 222

Looks so great. Just one thing, why not The Power of Flight instead of Everyday Hero ? At least it couts double for Starhawk, while Everyday Hero is just "useless" (despite of beeing another resource card, of course) for this deck.

Jan 08, 2025 andyr · 9369

Love the design, and it’s cool to see a multi-defend build with Bishop. Resourceful enough to pay for Nightcrawler every time and waiting to heal for your second instance of damage is such a great idea. I’m saving this for my next 4-player game

Jan 08, 2025 saintmatthew · 39

For years, I've been saying that we need more decks designed specifically for multiplayer. This is great. Thanks!

Jan 08, 2025 calderc23 · 107

@wehehe Good catch. I think I missed that because someone else had a aerial character and took the cards.