Combo Enabler
Looks pedestrian on the surface but it enables some cross tribal allies to become playable.
Where this card really shines is as an enabler for Mutant Mayhem. The combo can be a very strong with Monet St. Croix and any X-Force or X-Men character like Beast or Deathlok or Hope Summers or Pete Wisdom or Professor X
This card also works without actually needing to add allies from both tribes, and allows all X-men or all X-force teams to count as both to satisfy X-men/x-force alliances (mutant mayhem, etc)
· 1
Finally a way to include [Multiple Man](/card/14012) and [Warlock](/card/14013) in mutant decks :)
· 10
This card is so good with Multiple Man. Cheat him in with Mutant Protectors, ready your hero with Utopia when you play him in the hero phase, and you can still have 4 allies out with Utopia meaning you likely won't have to discard any allies when putting him into play.
· 404
Correction, can't cheat Multiple Man in play with Mutant Protectors since Children of the Atom only affects characters in play. Still a great card for Multiple Man.
· 404