"I just started blasting"

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
Drawn and Quartered (Rocket Raccoon Turbo Draw) 335 266 57 1.0
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None yet

munkey8486 · 147

When my group decided to do all Guardians for the Galaxy's Most Wanted campaign, the group's designated Aggression/Leadership player immediately jumped on picking Rocket. The Team is Rocket, Groot, Adam Warlock, and Drax. They have played Rocket half a dozen times and he's one of their go to picks for when we need some damage. I put this deck together based on their preferred playstyle with a few recent additions that I felt could help it work even better.

Deck Briefing

By default, Rocket lives, dies, and kills with his Upgrades so just get them on the field, use them up, and throw them away to make room for the next set of weapons. But his other upgrades are what we really care about in this build. Follow Through and Honed Technique are where most of your power and utility will come from in this deck. Being a Genius you'll always have a Mind to spend on an event to activate Honed Technique. On the topic of events, Dive Bomb is your big play maker. You'll need Thruster Boots first but with Honed Technique there is almost nothing that can survive a bomb drop except he villain or the heartiest minions. We have Hall of Heroes to give you even more card draw since you're gonna be blasting minions off the field constantly. Into the Fray will help with threat management, but it might not be totally required if your Justice player is good. No Quarter will help get out your other events so you have what you need to blow up your enemies and cycle thru your deck to get access to your cards again. Melee can do really good damage once your set up. Assault Training will help get your needed even back into your constantly thinning deck and Warrior Skill gives you that extra little nudge when you need just one more point of damage. For allies Angela is there to get you a minion when you need it, Marvel Boy is there to punch thru a Tough status so you don't have to waste any of Rocket's time dealing with it, Sunfire gets rid of annoy villain attachments, and Throg is a good blocker.

First Turns

Mulligan Priorities:

1. Ingenuity
2. Honed Technique
3. Thruster Boots
4. Superpower Training / Lock and Load
5. A Rocket weapon upgrade / Salvage / Hall of Heroes if the villain has a lot of minions

I'll always advocate for an aggressive mulligan. If I don't have atleast one kit card in my hand, I'll throw it all away unless something in that hand tells me it can help me get going. Superpower Training and Lock and Load are both good early plays to help get you set up with some early weapons, but the upgrades you're really looking for on the first draw and mulligan are Ingenuity and Honed Technique. If I saw a Hall of Heroes in my opening hand and I knew the villain was minion heavy, I would probably keep it. Salvage is a great resource for him and early on it allows you to spend one of his upgrades to get out something else and ensure you have it next turn. Get out as many of your upgrades as you can as quickly as you can. If you have cards left in your hand at the end of your turn and it's not an upgrade you can play next turn, throw it away. You need to burn through your deck as fast as possible to get out your key kit pieces.

Mid Game

This is where the name of the deck really start happening. Blast the minions and blow them away. Punch damage through to the villain. Drop your Dive Bombs to do bonkers damage to the villain and all the minions. Melee to cheaply do 10 damage with an event. Keep getting out any set up cards you might need, but I would feel comfortable stopping at having two copies of Follow Through down. Your job is simple from here on out, just throw cardboard at the table and revel in the destruction.

Closing Things Out

Didn't you read that last line? Your job remains unchanged, beat the crap out of the villain, with guns, dive bombs, and raccoon kung fu.