Adam Warlock loves big allies

Card draw simulator

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Numlock989 · 7

An Adam Warlock deck that's a blast to play!! I'm open to any suggestions, still making tweaks to this deck.

One of my favourite control decks I've tried, so much fun and so adaptable.

Upgrades and Support

Adam Warlock is nothing without his upgrades, so your early game should consist of hunting for both Mystic Senses and The Sorcerer Supreme. That's priority number one, shortly followed by Warlock's Cape and Karmic Staff. Make sure to get Soul World out before your first cycle, as the first two cycles take the longest and you'll stall out fast if you need to rely on anything but soul world to heal.

Heroic Intuition, Endurance, and Combat Training are all great, but less crucial than the others to play early. Play them if they are the best option in hand, but don't be afraid to spend them or use them for battle mage.


The core of this deck are the 9 allies, an assortment of the best each aspect has to offer, and each of them play a major role in the deck.

This deck is all about control and adaptability, it can really do anything you need it to, once you get going. Mockingbird, Iron Fist, and Psylocke are your control allies, able to slow down the villain and buy you the time you need to set up your many upgrades and supports under little pressure.

Kaluu and Brother Voodoo give you a fair amount of added flexibility. They are great value propositions early on with the mystic events (provided you are careful not to discard your Mystic Senses), and become stronger as your economy builds and you can afford them easier. The wide variety of events in the deck will let you do pretty much anything you want with these two, provided you have a good chance of finding what you want in the top 5 cards. Both of these are great chump blocks (along with Pip the Troll), as their main value is finding the event, thwarting for 1-2, then taking a swing for you, to cycle them and make room for other allies.

Snowguard and Giant-Man can dish out massive damage and really help you deal with anything the villain throws at you. Snowguard is also extremely good with thwarting, and the two of them, combined with Med Team, are a really powerful front line that will chew through anything the villain has to offer.

Nick Fury is just so good as always, but especially good here. I've had games where I've played him three turns in a row (played naturally, brought out with Call for Backup, and then Quantum Magic). He's so versatile, and all around amazing, he gives so much value every time he's played.

To summarize the allies, there's somebody for everything, and every situation. Between the insane amount of cards you have access to (6 hand size + draw 2 with Mystic Senses, Summoning Spell and Call for Backup to save big on your expensive allies, and Quantum Magic to get who you need when you need them, this deck can really adapt to any situation and any hand, and you'll be doing a ton each turn. Your allies are here to do anything you want at a given moment, and crucially to buy you time in the early game while you search for your upgrades.


The Mystic events are a no-brainer, auto-include for him. They have insane value, and are very helpful at any stage in the game. I'm hesitant to use them early on, mostly because if you end up losing 1 or both of your Mystic Senses, and you don't have the opportunity to get them back, things can slow down fast. They are very powerful in any situation, and great for a hero who is so weak early on. 5 damage to a minion or 4 threat removal is huge. Summoning spell is massive, especially when you can work around knowledge of your discard pile to give you great odds of hitting a 4/5 cost ally each time. Shield spell is great in a pinch, but usually you don't need it as much because of soul world, although it can still be awesome to have at the right time.

Making an Entrance and Skilled Strike are just there to be cheap ways to get a little extra attack or thwart when you have no other options, as there are many times where you just need a little bit more, and they are nice to fall back on. If they come up at the wrong time, easy cards to ditch for Battle Mage. I didn't include more expensive/better events in place of these two, as you already have plenty of options to spend your resources on, and not much else seemed missing from this deck, apart from some extra damage or threat removal in the early game.

Battle Mage

You want to be using your ability as often as possible when you get at least one Mystic Senses in play, and typically you can always do it each turn. Call for Backup is really the only card I dislike using the ability for, Summoning Spell I usually also try to save, but the rest are fine to use, you get so much value with your ability once things are set up.


This deck appears awkward on paper, with so many expensive allies and random events, not to mention the typical Adam Warlock early game jankiness, but once you play it, you'll find it's smooth as butter once things start to roll.

It's incredibly adaptable, which leads to tons of interesting decisions to make each turn.

The allies give you tons of versatility, and with how much card draw you have, you'll be getting allies out at a very efficient rate.

Aim to get out your upgrades asap, and take a slow first deck cycle. Don't be afraid to take some hits, Soul world will start to heal you faster than you need it after the first cycle. Unless you're in a rough situation, typically you don't want to be discarding with your events unless you've found your best upgrades, or you have a Quantum Magic in hand as backup. Allies give you so much value when you don't have your upgrades to play, I've yet to have a single dead turn in all the games I've played, there's always been interesting things to do and combo together.

The deck is just so adaptable, and really gives you so much breathing room to set up, and once you are set up, you feel absolutely unstoppable. An insane amount of card draw to play all the allies and events you want, and every 2 (maybe 3) turns, you are getting another full heal from soul world. This deck is awesome to play.

I'm totally open to suggestions for things to change. There are likely things that can be switched out to be more efficient, but unfortunately I don't have access to all the cards in the game. I currently have the core set, MTS, NeXt, Spiderham, Spdr, Ironheart, Wolverine, Dr. Strange, Scarlet Witch, Quicksilver, and Ant Man. Any suggestions for things to change with these cards or with the card pool as a whole would be greatly appreciated.

I've experimented with White Fox and a copy of Digging Deep before, and while on paper it feels good, I always either draw white fox to hand or get her with summoning spell. While that's just bad luck, I also think it doesn't work great with this deck's playstyle, as typically I'm not discarding many cards early, to be sure I don't lose my priority upgrades. White Fox and digging deep are great once you're set up and spamming spells, but once you're at that point, you are usually on a direct path to winning, and white fox and digging deep are much less valuable then, so I took them out and made some changes, and this current version of the deck is my personal favourite.

I also tried sticking in Superpower Training, which was nice, but the 3 thwart needed to clear it can be easier said than done early on, and it wasn't as useful as I thought it would be, but I may try it out again.

This deck definitely benefits from swapping out certain cards against certain villains, especially those with stalwart. This is what I find is best on a general case, but exceptions need to be made for certain villains.

Thanks for giving this a read, and I hope you're tempted to try the deck out! I would love to hear any thoughts, and changes you would make with a full card collection, that would be very useful to hear.