The Marvels Team Up Captain Marvel

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Nman1115 · 75

A Captain Marvel Aggression deck that is a team up with Ms. Marvel and Spectrum themed around the new The Marvels movie. The allies in this deck are Nick Fury for theming. Psylocke to confuse the villain. Sunfire is to help with attachments. Spider-Girl and Valkyrie are to help with minions.

There are 3 copies of Relentless Assault is also to deal with minions, deal damage to the villain, and is a . There are also 3 copies of Skilled Strike to deal more damage with a basic attack and 2 copies of Melee to damage multiple enemies or big damage to a single enemy. There are 2 copies of Combat Training one for Captain Marvel and one for Spectrum and 2 copies of Aggressive Energy are to increase damage. Martial Prowess is to help pay for attack events. Avengers Mansion and Captain Marvel's alter-ego ability can both help you and another player draw cards.

Quincarrier can help pay for cards and trigger Captain Marvel's ability to heal 1 damage and draw a card. Endurance is to give us more health.

If you want to see game play of all three themed decks here is my gameplay with them: