Adam Warlock Can Fly

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

KakitaJamie · 327

... just not his hero for some reason.

LCG Discord Card Spotlight

Goal to build a deck that features the current spotlit card: Air Supremacy

So many ways to build around Air Supremacycard with the new Aerial support received in the Angel pack. The issue with this card, its only good when you have more targets than the villain or at a minimum multiple villains. As a result, most pure leadership builds will struggle with guaranteeing value out of the card. So to be generally more versatile we need ways to get minions out in the deck. Thor, Valkyrie, Spider-Woman, Gamora, and Adam Warlock all come to mind as heroes that have the capability to be Leadership and get minions out of the encounter deck. Of the five, three are capable of getting Aerial... and one should have access to Aerial.

The most Aerial allies are in Leadership and aren't always allies you're excited to play. Thor and Valkyrie are stuck with what leadership has to offer. Aggression only has one ally with Aerial that is tough to play. Protection and Justice Aerial allies are a mixed bag of three allies. Spider-Woman locks your second aspect into Aggression, so that doesn't help the Aerial ally count as much. Gamora can play any aspect with Air Supremacy and Looking for Trouble but to get a decent count of Aerial allies, she'd end up in Leadership anyway. Adam Warlock gets access to the full sweet of allies.

The obvious point of Adam Warlock vs all of the other heroes, can you really "build around" a 1 of Air Supremacy. Thankfully there are other cards with similar effects: Bombs Away & Sunspot. You get Sunspot in all of the other decks granted but only Spider-Woman gets Bombs Away.

I decided on Adam Warlock purely because of the ally access and I think it's funny he doesn't have access to Aerial but his ally version (Adam Warlock) does.



Having access to a full sweet of Aerial allies, I was able to stack the deck with allies from each aspect. This gives us great chance to get a bunch of Aerial on board and have plenty of Aerial for Cannonball. That being said, some allies are still better than others. In trying to meet Adam Warlock deck building restrictions I had to include some that I would rather be basic allies.


Angela and Looking for Trouble are our main sources to get some additional targets out on the board. You can use Siryn and Banshee to stall them on the board.


You have Aerial and you've got Minions. Time to play Air Supremacy (and equals) to nuke the board.


Not going to have many considerations this go around. I feel like the deck is locked into 4 of each aspect card because of the Aggression, Leadership and Basic selections. Cutting 4 basic cards seems illogical given the income value they bring and cost curve of the deck. There aren't 4 basic cards worth adding to justify cutting 1 card from each aspect.

That being said I could see adjusting the some cards aspect for aspect:

Wasp - The only Aerial in Aggression. The deck is heavy , so she is playable. Wasp does make Summoning Spell whiff, so something to keep in mind. Magic Attack is a powerful card that could slot into her spot.

Siryn and Banshee - These work well with the get Minions out and stall to kill them synergy. However they are really expensive and situational. Sadly there are no other good Aerial allies in the aspect they come from and we already have the Spell cards in those aspects. Need to be careful not to remove too much Aerial or risk getting less value out of Cannonball or not having enough Aerial in play. Pinned Down could take the role of Siryn but that would drop the Aerial count as well, so be careful.

The Triskelion vs Summoning Spell - The Triskelion is great in this deck for Multi-Villain scenarios or Minion heavy scenarios. Summoning Spell fixes the high cost of some of the Aerial allies but has a chance to whiff on Sunspot and Wasp. Swap at your discretion.

Shield Spell - Could be a Pinned Down for additional minion mitigation before you get to sweep the board. I think these are interchangeable based on the scenario.


Nov 09, 2023 takabrash · 1

Pretty fun deck! I liked getting to try all of the aerial hoodies in one deck. Just ran it through the Sinister Motives Campaign undefeated

Nov 09, 2023 KakitaJamie · 327

Excellent, glad you had fun with it!

Dec 06, 2023 adsarf · 440

Late to comment but I think the combination of Starhawk/Knowhere/Cannonball is really strong and @KakitaJamie you seem to have been the first person on this site to use it outside an Angel deck. Hope it gains more traction!