How does this card interact with Rocket Raccoon'salvage ? I guess we can apply both effects, in any order you wish, right ? (in this case, it's OP)
Aereo. Mistico.
Risposta: Dopo che Adam Warlock ha attaccato o è intervenuto, scarta una carta casuale dalla tua mano. Se quella carta possiede come risorse stampate:
- Rimuovi 3 minacce da una trama.
- Cura 3 danni a un'identità.
- Infliggi 3 danni a un nemico.
- Scegli 1 degli effetti soprastanti.

- Adam Warlock The Mad Titan's Shadow #31
- Adam Warlock The Mad Titan's Shadow #31
This ally is less chaotic than I assumed at first glance now that I've learned how to use him:
- His ability is a Response, not a Forced Response, so you can choose not to trigger it.
- You could fill your deck with the resource icons you want the most, but a better way (IMO) is to play out your hand until you have one card left which has the icon you want to discard.
- That said, Heroes who load their decks with specific icons can be quite good. Captain Marvel in particular may be a good candidate because she wants lots of icons anyway. She can take a hit and heal fairly easily with Adam Warlock on the table.
- I'm running this in Rocket Raccoon right now, and I don't mind holding a Salvage back for the discard because it produces two effects (unless there's a ruling somewhere that says it doesn't). Salvage's own ability won't trigger, but I'm also running Beast (and Rapid Response) so that I can get it back in the same deck pass (possibly twice).
- Any deck which runs multiple cards with a icon can use this to great effect too. Black Panther may be another strong Hero candidate because of his three Vibranium (which you can also get back with Beast) and two of his Wakanda Forever! also have , although you should be playing those rather than discarding them methinks! His Ancestral Knowledge lets you shuffle cards back into your deck as well, giving you multiple ways to get the discarded cards back.
I'm having a lot of fun with Adam Warlock in Rocket Raccoon right now, but I may revisit the core heroes with him as well!
I've built a couple of decks around Adam Warlock now, after I learned the trick from @Jistme's Hulk deck ( If you have a deck which is really built around a single energy type, then he can be very reliable in the effect he produces. For Hulk the gives powerful thwarting, which Hulk really lacks (, for Captain Marvel the gives great healing power ( I haven't done one with yet. Wasp might be a good choice, but dealing 3 damage is less powerful than either of the other two.
He is such a fantastic ally that I can't see myself getting the Adam Warlock hero to the table very often. Spectrum has 6 in her hero kit though, so that is appealing...
Can you choose not to fire the ability? Or you have to discard whenever you attack?
I have been searching for this, but not being able to find a response
Its not clear the ruling, they have to improve the rules reference