
Avenger. Spia.

Thwart: 1. Attack: 1. Defense: 1.
Punti Ferita: 11. Hand Size: 5.

"Agilità Sovrumana" — Interruzione: Quando giochi una carta aspetto, Spider-Woman riceve +1 INT, +1 ATT e +1 DIF fino alla fine del round. (limite di una volta per round per ogni aspetto.)

L'Ascesa del Teschio Rosso #31. Spider-Woman #.

S.H.I.E.L.D. Spia.

Recover: 3.
Punti Ferita: 11. Hand Size: 6.

"Agente Doppiogiochista" — Scegli 2 aspetti invece di 1 durante la composizione del mazzo.

Azione:: Guarda una carta dalla cima di un mazzo qualsiasi. (Limite di una volta per round.)

L'Ascesa del Teschio Rosso #31. Spider-Woman #.
Jessica Drew

My favorite Hero in the game! Her base stats could have all been 0 and I would still use her. She can do anything and everything. It’s so much fun constructing decks with her. She’s amazing!

Even a simple thing like being able look at the top of your deck before attacking with Hulk is unexpectedly great! Love it!

Chiznad · 30

Spider-Woman is a fantastic hero with a lot going for her:

  • excellent signature ally with build-around potential (Captain Marvel)
  • not one but two repeatable resource generators (Finesse)
  • stat line is effectively 3/3/3 most of the time, if not higher
  • potential for cross-aspect shenanigans
  • a bundle of efficient event cards

About the only thing she doesn't have in her 15 is hard hitting attacks, so make sure you remember to pack some way to get through the villain's HP!

Fry · 262
Venom Blast is a fantastic 5 damage for 2 cost, and she is easily boosted to 3 ATK regularly. Have you had much trouble doing damage with her? — Judicator82 · 141