Black Panther - Protection!

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
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neothechosen · 10667

I tried a few times to nail down the recipe for a good protection deck with Black Panther. I never found the right way to play it until now.

Black Panther is not a defensive character like Spider Man or Cap. So I tried a different approach.

This deck is NOT about blocking. So forget Armored Vest, Indomitable, Unflappable or Electrostatic Armor and Desperate Defense.

So... how does it work? Mitigate the damage and heal.

You need to use Black Panther's defensive upgrade: Vibranium Suit every time you can to gain life. Do the same with Momentum Shift. Need a big heal? Use Second Wind.

Meanwhile, mitigate the damage done to you by using Defensive Stance and Energy Barrier. Block with allies whenever possible: (Clea is just going to come back for more anyway. Use Tackle to get a free turn.

The idea is to NOT block, leaving Black Panther able to thwart or attack, as needed. Turn after turn, mitigate damage and heal, keeping the threat level down, and building your upgrades.

Eventually, Wakanda Forever! will get the job done. The longer you last, the stronger your turns.

Black Panther is also the best to get the most out of Tackle and Second Wind because of his 3 Vibranium.

The only downside is that villains on expert often start with a side scheme; you need to take care of it ASAP as thwarting is more difficult with this deck. I've been considering cutting down to 2 Second Wind and cutting Avengers Mansion, which is slow in expert games, maybe to put in more allies.

Still I've found this deck to be enjoyable, especially because it doesn't do the same as other protection decks.

Have fun!


Aug 19, 2020 dr00 · 43713

Hey, nice deck. I really love the no-block protection builds.

just a few suggestions: I'd consider dropping 1 or 2 Defensive Stance and Second Winds. With your suit and Momentum Shift, you actually want to take some damage and have quite a bit of self-healing available ready. definitely include at least 1 copy though. they're great when things get out of control.

for the same reason, i don't really like Down Time but love Endurance

i think Clea and Iron Fist are perfect for this deck. good choices.

i usually replace 1 Tackle with Mockingbird since it provides a bit more protection from attacks (albeit less damage).

some other things to consider including: Lockjaw: great for late-game turns when you end up with a lot of double resource cards

helicarrier and quincarrier for obvious reasons

Nova will help a bit with clearing minions before they can whittle you down. you'll have plenty of opportunities to trigger him, and i think you can include some enhanced reflexes to help smooth that out. turns a vibranium and enhanced reflexes into 6 damage over a few of turns. that's pretty good value.

good luck! glad to see more love for protection

Aug 21, 2020 neothechosen · 10667

Hey @dr00!

Thanks for the input! You have real good suggestions. Indeed in a game against expert Rhino, I ended without a scratch and couldn't use my Vibranium Suit / Momentum shift properly. I had to use Second wind only once... So I guess I do have too much heal.

Good idea, using Lock Jaw as a way to spend resource hands! Never thought of that.

Thanks again!

May 09, 2022 Odunc74 · 1

I tried the modified version dr00 suggested against Rhino/under attack. Had a heart attack moment in the second round where I was down to 1 hit point but recovered well. Won the match with 13 health. The Golde City Avengers Mansion Quincarrier and Helicarrier do the heavy lifting here