Your Friendly, Neighborhood Threat Vacuum

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Delfiggalo · 1114

This is my first deck build on this website, all criticism is welcome :)

See bottom of write-up for a list of achievements for this deck!

I enjoy decks that utilize flashy combos for big plays but individual cards still have value outside of their respective combos. I have also only played this deck in solo games (always Experts mode) so I have no metric for how it fairs in multiplayer. If someone does try this deck in multiplayer please let me know below! This deck also plays fairly slowly but it hasn’t been an issue for me because of the insane threat control.

The idea behind this deck is to pull off combos for controlling the board and dealing with threat at the same time. For example, Stealth Strike and Spider-Tracer can be used simultaneously to kill a pesky guard minion and remove 5 threat from a scheme. And then you can trigger Interrogation Room for an additional threat removal as well. Tie this with Followed and now you get to deal an extra 4 direct damage to something (assuming you cleared a side scheme).

Heroic Intuition is a must for Spidey because of his laughable 1 THW stat. This will enable him to thwart like a normal hero or ally.

Quincarrier is in for the resource generation and, because it generates a wild resource, it can combo with both Web-Shooter cards to fulfill the attachment requirements for most villains. Making it so you don’t need to burn cards from your hand to do so.

Avengers Mansion combined with Spidey’s innate talent, Spider-Sense, will allow you to have that coveted 7 card hand in hero form after the villain activates. I was debating between using the mansion or Helicarrier but this combo sounded way better. Having an extra card in hand not only gives you another resource to play with but it also gives you more options. Make sure you use your web-shooters just before you deck out so that they will be cycled back into your deck.

Use Agent Coulson to search out your Counterintelligence cards and get them in play. Save them for use as a better Emergency. (It might also be worth running Espionage in this deck, because of how common “surge” is in Expert difficulty and up. Although this may make some awkward moments seeing as you can only play it with Nick Fury or Mockingbird in play)

Daredevil and Black Cat are gonna be Spidey’s best friends. Daredevil can thwart and then deal 1 damage to an enemy and Black Cat attacks without dealing consequential damage. That 2 damage for free can be used to kill annoying chump minions (say, if you’re up against Klaw or Ultron).

Like I said, I’ve only played this deck in solo play, expert but I’ve had some great success with it! Spidey is definitely my favorite hero in this game and I’ll try to refine this deck to take on Heroic levels in the near future.


  • Risky Business/Running Interference - Expert (solo)
  • Mutagen Formula/Goblin Gimmicks - Expert (solo)
  • Ultron/Under Attack - Expert (solo)
  • Rhino/Power Drain - Expert (solo)
  • Wrecking Crew - Expert (solo)