Thor - Fast as Lightning

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Scotobot · 195

The idea is to hit the villain hard and hit 'em fast!

While Thor loves bring surrounded by minions, the goal of this deck is to not worry about them too much and focus on hitting the villain. Hammer Throw and Dive Bomb are the big hitters for that, but Basic Attacks hit for three with Mjolnir out, and can add a couple more with Skilled Strike, Hand Cannon, Jarnbjornand Mean Swing.

You'll have three restricted cards, with Jarnbjorn, Hand Cannon and Mjolnir so be mindful when you play. You should prioritize Mjolnir for the Hammer throw and Dive bomb cards. So it comes down to Jarnborn or Hand Cannon. Jarnborn can be used on any attack, and doesn't require Exhausting, which frees it up for Mean Swing, however, it might be an extra resource you don't have.

Typical turn plan is to make a basic attack with mjolnir, hopefully boost with an event or weapon. Then follow up with a hammer throw or dive bomb. This leads to 10+ damage a turn. If you don't have the attack events or its not wise to do so, there's setup options with Combat Training, God of Thunder and Martial Prowess.

Angela is another option to get card draw from Thor's ability on the player turn. Spider-Girl is a good way to stall on a nasty minion. And Wasp is a cheap damage and blocker. I wanted to put Hercules in here, since he would get cheaper the more minions you had, but it was too slow and never seemed like a worthwhile play.

Beat 'Em Up and Brute Force provide tough control do you don't have to waste your big hits.

Obviously this is hyper focused on damage. Pairs well with a protection or justice player to keep this going smoothly. Could also go nicely with a Hulk or Star-Lord deck focusing on the same thing, crush the villain before there's enough time for things to get bad.

Thor is generally weak to stuns, and Beat 'Em Up is the only really cheap attack in here. Thor's obligation, Odin's Anger is particularly nasty. With 6 cards sifting the encounter deck (5 of which discard cards), you will hopefully see it thrown out early and not have to worry.