Ne0nFiasc0 & Davoid001's Ms. Marvel Justice Deck

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

ne0nfiasc0 · 1

This deck was made with my mate Dave (user: davoid001) for our playthrough of Rise of the Red Skull. It was played alongside my Spider-Woman deck (, and together they were pretty bananas.

Initially, Dave had been running Ms. Marvel with Aggression, and while it was working out nicely, we decided to rebuild his deck. As we sifted through the cards, we realised that there were so many excellent, cheap Justice cards that would work super nicely with Ms. Marvel's ability.

Ms. Marvel has quite a bit of setup in her personal deckslots, so we didn't want to burden the deck with a load of expensive events. Ideally, we wanted to be able to double-tap events with Ms. Marvel's ability, or play them for free using Sense of Justice, then recur them to pay for other setup cards. With 11 Justice events that cost 1 or less, it allowed the deck to build to pretty epic proportions while decimating threat consistently.

The deck was able to manage threat so successfully that Turn the Tide became a very viable source of damage, alongside Swift Retribution. Those cards also gave Embiggen! an excellent, cheap target, nicely complementing the Shrink/thwart event combos.

Because Ms. Marvel wants to change form a reasonable amount to utilise her own supports like Aamir Khan, Bruno Carrelli, and Nakia Bahadir, Lay Down the Law became a really obvious card, especially when paired with Sense of Justice and Ms. Marvel's 'Morphogenetics' recursion.

The deck is light on allies. Really light. This deck really works best for a two-player game, because Ms. Marvel is kinda squishy (even with Endurance and Wiggle Room, and with only 3 allies she doesn't have a lot of reliable chump blockers. As this was conceived of alongside my ally recursion deck (linked above), it wasn't as important as I often blocked attacks when needed.

It's also not running Beat Cop. You could really easily switch out a Swift Retribution for one, but I'm not sure what else I'd cut.

The deck played really well each game, and was able to simultaneously build and manage threat, thanks to the recursion of events early allowing an extra resource to pay for cards. You really want to see Sense of Justice early to help smooth the building of the board state, so it might be worth slotting an extra copy of that if you aren't seeing it regularly enough. It's also worth noting that you should be careful of using Ms. Marvel's 'Teen Spirit' action until you have Sense of Justice in play, because otherwise it can end up in the bin and you'll be sad.