Jennifer Walters - Shopping Spree with Jubilee

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Unisus · 13

Jennifer was tired of always fighting villains as She Hulk, so she decided to take a day off and asked Jubilation Lee if she wanted to go shopping. On the way to the mall Jennifer told Jubilation how she would like people to see her more as the woman she is instead of the big green fighting machine. Arriving at the mall, of course some evil-doer had to make trouble. As Jennifer looked sighing at her clothes, Jubilation put a calming hand on her shoulder. "You do your shopping, I'll handle this!" With a wonderous smile Jennifer watched Jubilee rushing at the villain, then turned towards the frightened bystanders to make sure they don't panic and get to safety...

This is an Alter Ego Thwarting deck, designed for multiplayer, especially with Jubilee. It actually also works in Solo, some cards like Bloodgem and Skilled Investigator should be replaced in that case.

In a game together with a Jubilee player She-Hulk can be completely absent, as Jennifer Walters has enough Threat removal potential to keep the Villain at bay, so Jubilee can concentrate on dealing damage.

The only card in this deck, that has no use in AE, is Skilled Investigator, as using it is a hero-reaction. Well, this card is meant to be played on your partner. The only card That is not playable inside the confines of this deck is Bloodgem, which should be the first item you bring into play with Shopping Spree when playing together with Jubilee. To avoid the pesky trouble that usually comes with changing into Hero form, Quincarrier should be the card you get with Build Support.

This deck is built around removing Threat, and half of that without thwarting in any way. With all 3 Beat Cops and all 3 Surveillance Teams on the table that's 6 Threat each round even with a minion who has patrol, with Homeland Interventionthis can be easily raised. Also Jennifer's AE ability keeps another Threat from even being placed. Add to this her ability to thwart in AE with Superhuman Law Division and Legal Practice, supported by Disguise and you get a good load of Threat managed well. The other cards are mainly to support the build-up. Monica Changkeeps the Surveillance Teams returning and growing while providing an additional thwart or an attack made for getting a Tough out of the way and finally blocking an incoming attack (usually against your partner). Don't be too sad when she leaves play, with a side scheme in play nearly guaranteed, she probably will show up again as a Chance Encounter. Hellcat provides continuous 4/ point thwarting (or 2/1 point attacking) for just paying 3 resources every other round. Of course you can also just sacrifice her to get the one resource you need right now. Meditation let's you play your high cost cards more easily for the cost of not being able to recover that turn. Later on it delivers the resource for Superhuman Law Division. The player side schemes are mainly there to always have a target for Chance Encounter while feeding your partner cards with Skilled Investigator

If it really should be necessary to get green best moment therefore would be when having a Split Personality at hand. Or just take a little beating, you should be able to survive until next turn you recover. Or maybe you just don't recover but feed the pain into a Gamma Slam. Just make sure to get your Superhuman Strengths and your Focused Rages out when you have the opportunity, and you can be sure to be able to support your partner if they need it.