Disguise was basically made for Justice Hulk. For that reason alone I love this card. The key thing to note is this can be triggered in both Hero and Alter-Ego forms. costs 1 resource. Removes 2 threat. This card can be a lifesaver in decks that flip often. You always have a chance to exhaust it and your identity, Especially nice if you don't need to heal yet have to flip for Obligations. You can do all the hero actions, flip over to alter-ego, discard the obligation and thwart for 2. So far the best heroes I see using this are : She-Hulk, Iron Man, Hulk and any hero that has less than 10 health. Definitely one of my favorite mutant-wave cards to test with older heroes.
Costo: 1.
Play under any player's control. Max 1 per player.
Action (thwart): Exhaust Disguise and your identity → remove 2 threat from a scheme.
"The name's 'Patch.' Just 'Patch.'" —Wolverine
Andrea Di Vito & Laura Villari
Jubilee #13.

Do you have an example of a hulk deck with this. I have actually been thinking about a ball justice build where you flip every turn using it and need inspiration
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