Ms. Marvel - Thwarting for Everyone

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Miasmatic · 24

Wanted a deck that could really deal with threat after being overwhelmed in the past few games we've played.

Shrink really shines here alongside Operative Skill - combining with Even the Odds; Multitasking; and Three Steps Ahead to do some significant thwarting.

The big combo here is to have Shrink and Operative Skill out; then you play Even the Odds. Toss in an Overwatch and use Passion for Justice and you have a potential 8 threat removal from every side scheme (4 players+2 for shrink+1 for passion+1 for operative skill) and the main.

Key problems here are there is very little damage or ability to soak hits. This deck is for thwarting and thwarting hard. Player side schemes are very viable due to the amount of thwart happening - I'd drop Team Investigation (as it isn't a thwart event!) for either Lay the Trap or Specialized Training depending on what your group needs.


Jan 30, 2025 andyr · 10507

I would recommend Jessica Jones, but I doubt a side scheme stays out long enough to gain her benefits. Great AoE deck!

Jan 30, 2025 Miasmatic · 24

@andyr I don't disagree that she's usually an auto-include; but I tried to focus this on keeping threat/ side schemes off the board at all times which does limit her effectiveness. Even Spider-Man was a tough include due to having very little resource generation to pay for him (but being a great target if another player has Call for Backup).

Jan 30, 2025 Miasmatic · 24

Forgot that Spider-Man is a play from hand effect; so Call for Backup won't work. Maybe JJ is actually a better choice.