

Costo: 2.

Utilizzo (3 gettoni operativo). Massimo 1 per giocatore.

Interruzione: Quando intervieni, rimuovi 1 gettone operativo da questa carta → quell'intervento rimuove 1 minaccia aggiuntiva.

Gambit #13.
Abilità da Operativo

This is not a card that I expected to like, nor is it my go-to choice to play when I see it in a hand, but it has subtly gone a long way towards winning certain games. Just based on my experience with the Gambit pre-con deck alone it subtly and consistently assists with cards like Creole Charmer that want to clear off a scheme reliably to get their actual useful effect. I find being left a single point of threat short when thwarting with cards like Clear the Area can be surprisingly and frustratingly common, and it may be worth dropping a copy or two of this card in if your deck's game plan revolves around that play style just as insurance. I don't love this card, but it has managed to stay out of my card box and in a deck compared to the cards I expected to love but dropped immediately.

Láthspell · 8
Solid point. Wolverine also has a couple cards that trigger off removing all threat and having 1 left over point can be pretty maddening. — Jreilly89 · 15

This is a fairly niche card that requires some specific planning to make worthwhile. Its best application is amplifying Thwarts that remove threat from multiple targets. A previous review mentioned Multi-Tasking but another option is Iron Man's Helmet (Plus it's an energy resource). Due to wanting to have multiple scheme targets this is another multiplayer-centric card that won't get much mileage in True Solo.

Anyone know if this works like shrink/embiggen so multitasking would do 3 from 2 schemes?

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Bushidough · 2
Yes, you've got it right — Stretch22 · 877

Slightly better with the release of Three Steps Ahead

I still believe that this won't make this card much better than just running a S.H.I.E.L.D deck with Surveillance Team and Monica Chang. The "Max 1 per player" doesn't help this card in the slightest, it comes with a condition, and it doesn't go through Crisis because it's a thwart. The limited support for this card doesn't make it an easy choice to include in a deck either. The different resources between the two changes little.

I would either like this card to be cheaper or not come with counters. This card should not have to compete with Heroic Intuition when there are cards that like Brains Over Brawn, Mutant Peacekeepers, True Grit, and Push Ahead that do make use of the characters thwarting stat. I'd wish for more support for both cards in the future.

Edit: I also wish that we would get more upgrade synergy cards. The difference between a support and an upgrade is almost none besides thematics

Tendiest · 105
Like the other reviewer mentioned, the extra point of threat removal from this card can help trigger the extra effects of actions on cards, like the confuse from Creole Charmer or card draw from Clear the Area. — erikw1984 · 29
Also, the difference between upgrades and supports is that upgrades are considered part of your identity whereas supports are not. That matters for interactions that depend on “you” doing something — erikw1984 · 29