Steel Mayhem

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Chillachilles · 27

Like any Leadership deck, this one depends on allies, only they are the protagonists in this deck, and Colossus is there to protect them, until that is he's had enough of the shenanigans and decides to beat the villain into a bloody pulp.

The strategy here is to use Meditation to play expensive allies and/ or upgrades/supports, but if given the choice go for the allies. This is because our only resources are band together, which gives up to 3 resources depending on the number of allies.

With this lets get into the cards.

All cards are pretty important, but if there was a glue to this deck it is Armor Up. This lets you stay in AE and take advantage of a full hand size, which is followed by a switch to Hero form. No Scheming, and if no piercing no damage. Because of this it is important to try and end your turns in AE if you have said card or the scheme is under control or the villain is confused. Colossus AE ability lets you reshuffle a Colossus card back into your deck. This card is the 1st priority.

The next two cards in the pecking order are Iron Will and Moira MacTaggert. The former lets you draw a card when a tough is discarded, an almost guarantee with Armor Up and the former lets you draw a card for simply going into hero form. With Armor Up it is almost a certainty that you'll end up with a 7 card hand in hero form, if these 2 are in play.

These three cards make up the bulk of Colossus' actions, but as stated previously, the allies are the protagonists here.

The main two are Beast and Hope Summers. The first nabs you the ever important Band Together and the 2nd can nab you Armor Up or something that could let you do massive damage like Steel Fist or Made of Rage. I will say try to nab Armor Up if you don't have one, again, it's the glue.

Mutant Mayhem let's you refresh an Xmen and Xforce ally and the more allies you have the more options you have, especially with Children of the Atom, and the more resources you have with Band Together. It is worth noting that Mutant Mayhem heals and readys the allies in question, so try to activate them before using it. This card and Beast go well together, especially if you have 2 of them, getting a 3 resource card plus any other when played ability from other allies is huge here, and an activation in between for each refreshed ally is the cherry on top.

Forge is Forge, but really shines with Beast out and Children of the Atom and a Mutant Mayhem, as you can play the support drawn with the band together from Beast.

Beak works well as threat removal, and works with Mayhem since it returns the card to your hand and lets you play from hand.

Playing Cyclops let's you up the damage to an enemy, and with this deck, recurring him in the same turn ups every attack by 2 (which is not hard to pull off!)

M takes out minions, but packs a whopping 3 attack. Use Mayhem on her for some quick minion removal.

Professor X is good in a pinch for threat removal and can Confuse/ Ready. Mayhem him for some massive threat removal and readying and confusing, or double confused for steady villains.

Shadowcat is good here because she can ignore Guard and Patrol. Mayhem her for some consistency.

Supports are expensive, but with constant access to AE and Meditation, you'll have them out in no time.

As you get to the end of your setup, you'll have the opportunity to start to beat the villain up pretty good. You find that there are turns where you still have a tough, which you can turn into 2 with Bulletproof Protector and Made of Rage can give your basic attacks +6 and combine with a Utopia ready, you can dish out 16 damage with just Colossus. It feels really satisfying beating up the villain at the end and makes the setup worth it.

Hope you all enjoy this deck! I certainly have been having fun with it!