Card draw simulator
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ClassyRobot · 6327
The forbidden 50 card deck. This must be a Darkchilde deck...
Do you like drawing cards? Do you want to assert dominance with the largest hand at the table? It’s uncanny…it’s

Have The Sorcerer Supreme out? you have a 6 card hero hand.
Clear the Area can be played by Magik for free from the top of her deck. If it clears all the threat from a scheme, you get a card! 7 card hand.
But wait! Skilled Investigator will bump that bad boy up to 8 if you defeat a side scheme.
Open a portal to Avengers Mansion and steal some of their stuff. 9 Card Hand.
PSS will help make that impressive hand size a reality. Once you have cleared one, you also get access to playing Predictable Ploy from your top deck during the Villain Phase, costing 1 from Top Deck to cancel the When Revealed of any treachery revealed, regardless of who reveals it.
The fun doesn’t stop there. Play One Way or Another from the top of deck for a true 3 card draw. Sorc Supreme plus topdeck OWOA gets you a 9 card hand.
Oh, and let's not forget Magik's other signature ally, Wolfsbane. Bump any of those hand sizes up one more as you always know what type of card to call. If the high card count deck was worrying you, it should be clear why it's not really an issue at all here.
Other combos that feel like magic
- Each PSS can all be played for free from top of Deck. A small bonus but nice
- Upside the Head is a lock for Magik. Soulsword will always let you shred through toughs to trigger, and the steady from Magik's Crown helps out tremendously. It combos super well with Exorcism and Soul Strike really well (particularly the former since it can trigger the Confuse kicker. And guess what? You can play it for free off top of deck.
- Upside the Head being basically guaranteed plus all the other confuse in kit means bump up your hand size one more with Cypher.
- Multitasking helps trigger the kicker for Soul Strike, but should be avoided top deck playing, as you'll still have to overpay with a to get its own kicker. Sometimes you just have to do it.
- One area Magik lacks is big burst damage, particularly for those beefy minions in the way. Float Like a Butterfly helps add some needed damage. It also makes up for the notable lower amount of physical resources, while also getting Magik up to a potential 4 atk, albeit doubly conditional
- Blade is almost entirely here for Midnight Suns and chump blocking. There’s not enough to use him reliably. Blindfold or Mockingbird would be better in his spot but...come on…it’s Blade
- Playing Avengers Mansion from top deck turns it to 3er from hand. 2 ER if you decide to draw immeditately.
Other Notes
Those who play larger multiplayer/those who dislike OWOA could substitute One Way or Another for Even the Odds. If you do I would recommend swapping Helicarrier for The X-Jet or Bloodgem to ensure you can pay for it. I personally chose Helicarrier over The X-Jet for the and that it can be used for any character, where the Jet is X-Men only.
Stalwart villain? Yea yea...swap out Upside the Head and Float Like a Butterfly for For Justice! and Heroic Intuition
Thanks for checking this out! This deck pairs well with midnight margaritas
Apr 02, 2024 |
Apr 02, 2024I had been wanting to try Magik in a Float Like a Butterfly deck, now I have one to start with. I love how playing her in 50 card decks feels like playing anyone else in a 40 card deck with her card cycling abilities and utilizing Stepping Discto recur from discard. Thanks for sharing another great deck! |
Apr 02, 2024Upside+Predictable Ploy are amazing here! I really like Press the Advantage in A too, so will have to move some stuff around to fit Clear the Area in for myself. Good stuff, love the "stalwart villain? yeah yeah..." haha |
Apr 02, 2024Oh man! I also just realized, if I’m gonna play this tonight, I’m gonna need to stop by the store for some margarita mix. Who am I to deny a good pairing! (At first, I thought it was a deck on mcdb, I got so confused when I couldn’t find it.) |
Apr 02, 2024Haha sorry about that
Apr 02, 2024
May 27, 2024Goddamn I like this deck. I am a huge Magik fan and I have only played her in protection and aggression but needed to switch for some multiplayer games and was apprehensive to play her in Justice. I absolutely should not have been. I knew the first player turn this was my kind of deck. Thanks classy. |
I love the draw power here! But also, Magik and her ability is so great to let you center on versatility knowing you can probably pull the needed card to the top of your deck! I really can’t wait to play this