Ms. Marvel with the Big Hands v 1.5

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

ecamel · 11

So, I've run a variation of this deck multiple times, and I think Ms. Marvel Aggression is one of the best combos in the game. My strategy is a bit different, I think, than what most people might go for. Admittedly, what I am doing here would work better with one of the Hulks or Black Panther, but I'm trying to focus on stacking to make Hulk, Jarnbjorn, Drop Kick and Relentless Assault really cook in addition to her already fantastic event output.

The deck's curve isn't what I'd like it to be, but with Helicarrier, Avengers Mansion, Biokinetic Polymer Suit, etc. I feel like I can comfortably play ~2 cards per turn. The really problematic thing is the high % of non ; and make up 26/40 and that is too high for this to work as well as I'd like for it to.

Cards I might get rid of:

Battle Fury: I really thought it would be nice to be able to ready her, but I found in my playtest that it just didn't feel organic to do so when I was able to. I could see it being more impactful in a deck with a character that has stronger base stats. Also, Tenacity might be the better choice, despite the cost increase.

To the Rescue!: The original version of this deck had 2 Chase Them Down, but I thought having a more general use threat removal card would be a better choice, not to mention I'd be swapping 2 for 2 . Granted I was playing alongside a Justice deck, but I never felt like I needed the extra threat removal when she already has 3x Sneak By in her deck.

Brawn or Tigra: These are both great allies. Tigra being able to ping off weak or wounded minions for essentially free adds up to a lot of value over time. Brawn is a raw cost to benefit powerhouse ally. However, they are both icon cards, so I am debating letting one or the other go in favor of Mockingbird.

You might be wondering why I'm playing with Enhanced Physique instead of Martial Prowess. If I had built this deck to zero in on maximizing events, I probably would have, but I want to be able to feed into the Jarnbjorn machine. I might go 1 of each?