Always Take The Marshmallow

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Pedroq · 175

Have you ever been offered a marshmallow, and been told you can have the marshmallow now, or you can have two if you wait? What would you do? I would take that marshmallow.


This deck lives up to Domino's "live in the moment" way of life. It's an aggro deck with versatility that allows you to adapt to the situation. You can do all the domino loops things, you can protect yourself while chipping away the villain, you can go all out damage, or a mix of all those things, and even do some thwarting along the way.

Drawbacks of the deck are the same drawbacks of immediate gratification.....encounter cards. You will get so many encounter cards. Symbiote Suit hazard will generate an encounter card. You will deck out often from milling yourself with your abilities and the extra card draw from Symbiote Suit.


Single Player:

Probability Field is her best card. +1 to all stats is amazing, but it's usually going to be a +2 from all the wilds in the deck. Mulligan hard for this card. Use the card frequently to buff yourself up. Early game you will defend for yourself and prioritize your upgrades. -Deft Focus is amazing. Allows her to play her identity events and most upgrades cause they are all Superpower keyword. -Domino's Pistols and Sharpshooter are your damage output.


First identify the role that is needed in the team comp. You can play Domino a variety of ways with the deck depending on what is needed. -Damage Dealer: First prioritize both Domino's Pistol, Sharpshooter, and Plan B. Then go for Honed Technique and Deft Focus. Play Uppercut and Drop Kick whenever possible and pay for them with a wild resource in order to trigger Honed Technique.Use this strategy against minion heavy Villains too. You clear minions fast with the pistols. But loop Diamondback instead of Outlaw. -Defensive: Fish for Outlaw and Probability Field. Use Outlaw to tank attacks, then loop her. Buff up your defense stat with Probability Field to avoid damage form villain. -Threat Mitigation: This is your weakest area, but Right Place, Right Time and Luck Be a Lady mitigate threat well enough. You can also thwart for 3 with Probability Field buff.

Biggest thing in co-op, is go over the 40 card limit by slotting in more Combat Training. Give your teammates +1 Atk; works wonders and protects their other upgrades if they ever get Caught Off Guard.


Domino Card Loop: If you're in the LOOP (pun intended), then you know Domino can loop cards with Neena Thurman Action. Allies are major targets; ally dies to consequential damage, use Neena Action to draw the ally from the top of discard. Lots of decks make massive use of this and Pip the Pug to loop really powerful cards. These combos involve Weapon X and X-Mansion. But that feels bloated to me.

This deck plays more to use the Domino card loop to keep Outlaw on the board. Play her, use her to defend with tough, then keep her out to block a particularly nasty attack or redirect indirect damage to her. When Outlaw goes down, pull her back with Pip or Neena Action. Repeat. I view this as a way of having multiple allies without actually slotting in Ally cards.

Domino runs through her deck so quickly with the mills, that I consider her real loop is reshuffling her discard pile back in.

Multiple Attacks:

Her late game is to setup Domino's Pistol and Sharpshooter. You will stack the deck with a wild card, ideally Digging Deep, then shoot the pistols and sharpshooter. Minimum damage for using all three upgrades is 3 damage. The max damage is typically 6 if you get three wilds in the mill. But you can get 7 damage if you get a Jackpot! mill. Plan B fits well into this form of damage dealing; net an additional 2 damage per turn. Generally you are left with one card in hand at the end of the turn, so you're able to control what card is discarded for Plan B. Depending on how you play, you will have your basic attack available, plus attacks generate from events, and even a second attack after using Tenacity to ready.

Stats: 3 THW, 6 ATK, 5 DEF

Domino is effectively a 3-6-5 stat line character. Domino can have massive stat line with Symbiote Suit, Combat Training, and Probability Field. Symbiote Suite feels great with Dominio. Jackpot! makes the cost tolerable. It's a wild icon so it synergizes with Domino's constant. When equipped, Domino becomes a 19 hp, 2-3-4 stat line. Combat Training gives a nice +1 to ATK ( there are better upgrades for boosting attack, but they tend to be restricted and I prefer the two Domino's Pistols). Probability Field is generally going to give +2 because of all the wilds in your deck.

Resource Requirement Cards

Domino feels great with cards that require specific resources. There are 20 wild resources in the deck. You easily choose the restricted resource you need. -Honed Technique generate when playing Uppercut and Drop Kick. You get an easy +3 to the card damage. -Drop Kick: generate a to get a stun and card draw. -Tenacity is a great card in the deck. Readying is always great, but more so when Domino has all her stat boost upgrades. Generate for big THW/ATK turns.