Iron Man Solo Justice - Iron Justice

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

McDeth01 · 26

This is my Iron Man solo Justice deck playtested against everyone villain/s currently in the game 5 times. The only current villain at time of publishing that put up an equal fight was Klaw with The Masters of Evil set up. The minions in that are difficult to deal with if they come out early which they invariably do. I haven’t used Hulks cards yet so Beat Cop may be a useful addition to that scenario but I don’t see a need for it anywhere else.

Play style : The whole point of the deck is to keep threat under control while building Iron Mans suit. Under Surveillance is key to this as it enables a safe flip to alter ego To heal and draw if you still haven’t completed the suit. Once the suit is in play along with an Enhanced Awareness or Quincarrier it is relatively straightforward if you’ve made this part of the end game to burn through the villains second phase Hit points in one turn. In fact I would recommend not moving the villain to the second phase until you are in a position to do that. Optimally you will have about 10-15 cards in play leaving Sonic Boom and Repulsor Blast a decent percentage draw. It’s actually fairly feasible to put out a minimum 15 damage with just one each of those combined with your Powered Gauntlets and normal attack which is probability the only time you use your action for a basic attack against the Villain instead of thwarting. Additionally as a side note remove any minions asap with whatever means possible with a keen eye on threat..

So on to the cards....

Iron Man hero cards...

Iron Man Hero form is one of your thwart engines coupled with Arc Reactor keeps main schemes in check and side schemes a minor distraction. Only use basic attack in end game, Tough, stun removal or if no threat/side schemes to deal with. Alter Ego form for the Heal and draw. Once [Under Surveillance] (/card/06031)is in play this almost becomes an easy heal if your unlucky with damage or not yet got Mark V Armor or Endurance in play.

Arc Reactor My favourite Iron Man specific card. Two thwarts, Great for a stun/confused removal if needed , or even after flipping after a heal to ready.

Mark V Armor 6 whopping hit points, means you can stay in hero form for a few turns if needed as this hand doesn’t hold huge opportunities to get allies out until later in the game to absorb any big hits from damage heavy villains.

Mark V Helmet A key threat removal item and for only 1 resource.

Powered Gauntlets. Great little minion removers early game.

Rocket Boots. Cheap to help you get your card draw maxed and then invaluable for endgame for the aerial finishers.

Stark Tower Situational. Useful for getting back suit cards that you have used for resources. Great when you need it but limited.

Pepper Potts Fantastic resource generator when especially if you can work your discards to make use of multiple energy cards.

War Machine one of the least used cards for me in the deck. Rarely makes the table except for resource.

Repulsor Blast Early game Use for resource. Be very careful only use for minion removal early game if in dire straits as the chances of you missing an opportunity to get key suit pieces out until the next deck shuffle can be dire. One of your End Game finisher Cards with a potential 13 max damage for one resource.... There are over 20 resources in the deck to compliment this.

Supersonic Punch Early game resource use and minion removal. End game finishing card with 8 hp damage when aerial. Don’t be frightened to go aerial to get rid of a nasty minion if needed as minion overrun is fatal.

Basic Cards..

Quincarrier one of my favourite cards. I use this in preference to Helicarrier due to its ability to generate any resource. Specifically for Aerial.

Enhanced Awareness This one is here purely to generate a resource for aerial or for the extra required for general play

Endurance great card for the three extra health and once on the board keeps your deck cycle at optimum.

Mockingbird Almost obligatory ally. Probably used as a resource for early turns but a timely stun and absorb a big attack is invaluable.

Nick Fury truly huge card for dealing with a nasty minion, grabbing a few extra cards end game if you missed a Repulsor Blast or Sound Manipulation, and of course for absorbing a big hit before he leaves play.

Haymaker a useful resource and minion remover if required.

Genius Energy Barrier Strength obligatory basic cards for double energy resource and synergy with Pepper Potts

Justice Cards....

Daredevil Great ally to have around for his multiple use. Expensive but great toughness remover and attack soak when on 1 hp left if needed. You probabaly wont get to play him on the first sift through the deck as your attention should be elsewhere. Potential to drop out if other Justice allies with resources become available

Jessica Jones Another great Justice ally. 2 Attack and a useful thwart mechanic if multiple schemes in play. Although iron man is so strong on thwart proabaly wont be needed. Important will keep this ally in the deck as other Justice allies become available.

Quake As with other justice allies in his deck probabaly wont be needed to thwart but the resource is useful for Repulsor Blast so serves multiple purposes.

Foiled! Again a resource to help power Repulsor Blast, and a useful free scheme thwart remover should you have to flip to Tony too many times for comfort particularly early game and Under Surveillance isnt out

For Justice! Another resource, and a Justice staple threat removal, although again as more cards become available this may drop out depending on the scenario due to Iron Man awesome threat removal.

The Power of Justice. It would seem rude not to include these as they are a great source of Justice card play for expensive allies or Heroic Intuition or Under Surveillance. Plus a useful resource if required for going aerial.

Heroic Intuition. Serves two purposes. Fantastic combined with Arc Reactor for 6 Threat removal. And a for Repulsor Blast.

Under Surveillance last but not least my favourite Justice card. 4 additional threat requirement to your main scheme, and a useful resource.

In summary this isnt really a very difficult hand to play. Of course there will be times that you get overwhelmd but thats the nature of the game. Additionally as of Aug 20 there’s no other Justice or basic cards that I see adding anything to this hand Interrogation Room just isn’t needed even with its resource and Surveillance Team team thwart is just overkill in this deck.