
Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
C.A.B.L.E. 0 0 0 1.0

Tano Games · 3114

Okay, so here's yet another Cable deck! As an OG LOTR LCG player, the inclusion of Player Side Schemes (play side quests in LOTR) has been one of my biggest wants in this game for a long time. There are things I don't love about the new PSS, particularly, the limit per player, but I'm so happy they're here! And, Cable comes in with some real Thurindir vibes, who I love to play in LOTR.

So, I'm coming from that perspective: picking a side scheme to start out with his ability and kind of building around that. For me, it's Call for Backup and grabbing Monica Chang. There is a cool Domino deck featuring Monica, but I wanted to utilize the PSS turn one to get a 2-for-1 deal. Clearing Call for Backup means you get Monica and a Surveillance Team with 4 tokens on it!

But, the cool thing about Cable is there are many routes you can go with his turn 1 PSS pull. Use Call for Backup to get Agent 13, a 4-cost ally, but still, fewer resources in total than you'd get with the Monica-Surveillance Team play. Start with Build Support to get out a Helicarrier or Graymalkin and help your economy! Locked and Loaded for your Plasma Rifle or Sonic Rifle! Just don't get Technovirus Purge first, it's a trap (but at least when you do, Surveillance Team can thwart it).

After turn one, just keep looking for side schemes with my favorite card in the game, One Way or Another, and toss one in the Victory Display with Forced Amnesia so you can one-shot enemies and schemes with his signature events. Keep recycling Monica and Agent 13 with Chance Encounter. I've also got Homeland Intervention as a free thwart event that can get big value exhausting any of the SHIELD cards, instead of using them and sending them to the discard.


Aug 21, 2023 journeyman2 · 24032

Getting the worst side scheme with OWOA for Forced Amnesia is a new line that Cable has and is funny as heck

Aug 21, 2023 VJakson · 23

Ohhh! I love the idea of Spamming Chang living alongside all the different Player side schemes. Cool idea!

Aug 21, 2023 Tano Games · 3114

@journeyman2 yeah, not so much with side quests but LOTR has cards that put terrible encounter cards in the VD so you don't have to deal with them again haha it's satisfying

Aug 21, 2023 josseroo · 702

Thanks for the deck shout out.

Love the Forced Amnesia line suggested by journeyman2.

I don’t usually try to mash event-based justice into my SHIELD justice but I think it’s a great call here