Gambit's Conspiracy Theories

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

XPGamer · 43

What is this? Gambit using S.H.I.E.L.D. cards?

Today you have seen a never before imagined deck in which Remy Lebeau will never be Gambit. That's right ladies and gentlemen, an entirely alter-ego Gambit (er, Remy Lebeau) deck!

"But how?" you ask.

Starting with our basic turn: We will most prominently be using Creole Charmer and Breaking and Entering to remove threat from the main scheme. Making shure to use Global Logistics you can remove even the most nasty boost cards from the deck and prepare your Thief Extrodinare ability. Lastly get some more cards with Mutant education.

Allies: Monica Chang: Surveillance Team synergies for extra threat removal

Agent 13: Helicarrier booster and can be used to make Surveillance Team trigger twice in emergencies.

Upgrade Priorities: The Thieves Guild => Helicarrier => Surveillance Team

1st edit: removed Turn the Tide because of having big deck size and not needing it.

2nd edit: (after play test) this deck works extremely well. I was able to remove 10 threat in a 4 player game against Sandman most turns without the aid of other players and was able to keep the threat down to around 6 while being in alter-ego with 3 acceleration tokens! Changed the amounts of things, removed Field Agent and Government Liaison (they are hero actions), and added Foiled! (good card especially with Global Logistics) and Helicarrier (to help with resource management after I removed Government Liaison and because you can use Agent 13 for it still being a shield card). Also added Dum Dum Dugan and Sky-Destroyer. Removed Operative Skill(cool card but not as good a Surveillance Team and not cost effective and I want to keep deck size down).