
Persona. S.H.I.E.L.D.

Costo: 1.

Utilizzo (3 gettoni rinforzo).

Interruzione Eroe: Quando un alleato S.H.I.E.L.D. sta per subire un qualsiasi ammontare di danni conseguenti, esaurisci Agente sul Campo e rimuovi 1 gettone rinforzi da esso → previeni 1 di quei danni.

Sinistre Intenzioni #44.
Agente sul Campo

With the new expansion on the road (Agents of Shield) this card can upgrade a SHIELD ally archetype to whole new level. There are many cards (I hope) to came along in the this expansion, but voltron ally without taking consequential damage (for 3 turns) refresh many old cards for example Black Widow can thwart for 2 for the entire game.

For effectivness this card is above the average (2 ER per 3 activations).

Rank (A-C): B (November 2024) potenially A (in Febrauary 2025)

nosiak · 73