Hacking the Mainframe: Rogue & Vision Duo

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
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None yet

HeroicSkeleton · 276

Designed to go with a Vision teammate, such as Hacking the Mainframe: Vision , though any Vision deck with some Reboots should work fine.

Touch Vision to become an android. With Heroic Intuition and Rogue's Jacket, you'll have 4 thw. Both players can Reboot Rogue for multiple huge thw turns. Or Reboot Vivian for damage. If you are going against Ultron or Zola, you can take advantage of them being androids as well, for extra attack and retaliate on touch.

Superpower Adaptation has a lot of targets to consider:

  • Bishop is really good here, since you want to have a justice ally on the board to help recur Clear the Area or One Way or Another, and he's more then happy to just sit around all game just building energy counters.
  • Both players should try to keep a basic ally on the board to recur more Reboots.
  • Vision events add more flexible options as well, including some good damage, thwart, and the ability to discard villain attachments with Phase Disruption.

Weapon X and Mutant Education are here to cycle some of her best events, like Superpower Adaptation, Energy Transfer, and Bulletproof Belle.