Get Yolked with Teamwork feat. Strondu

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

ovalcoconut · 7

This was made with 3-player in mind, there's little to no thwart so may need a lot of tweaks for smaller groups/true-solo.

Put out Yondu and then buff him with the leadership upgrades (save for the Reinforced Suit, that's for She-Hulk), he'll be a 2x3-7-3 with ranged, overkill and no consequential damage on attacks which is a semi-permanent 14(+2 with Power Gloves) damage every round. Main thing to be scared of is indirect damage as Yondu is squishy, so you'll be the chump block for him. Make sure to have plenty of other allies to take the hits for him/you.

The rest of the deck focuses on getting out allies, buffing them to the moon with Enraged/Boot Camp/Mighty Avengers and then rarely directly attacking with them by using lots of Teamwork.

Jessica Drew's ability to look at the top card of a deck, also lets you use Hulk 'safely' if you wish to.