Colossal Justice

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Masterseck · 21

Very strong deck offering good damage, strong control and resource efficiency from Colossus cards and excellent thwart management from Justice cards. It is intended as a solo one-deck-fits-all.

So far I've beaten on Expert: Rhino, Klaw, Magneto, Sabretooth, Absorbing Man, Ultron, Project Wideawake. I added in Beat 'Em Up for Ultron specifically. You may find that more than one works better if facing Ultron as those drones can build up quite fast. Cosmo is also in there to deal with Ultron II drones and you can hopefully keep calling Events to keep him alive.

Obvious weaknesses are villains with Pierce. Try to remove upgrades that give pierce asap.


  • Control the villain. This is really a control deck. Steel Fist, Professor X, Mockingbird, Concussive Blow will all help you keep the villain from doing much on their turn. When flipping to alter-ego, strongly consider cycling a Steel Fist back into your deck if you don't need an Organic Steel or Bulletproof Protector. I like the cheaper meat shield allies in case you get into trouble with a couple of very bad draws.
  • Pump out Organic Steel and multiple Beat Cops as soon as possible. Organic Steel will keep Colossus tough to fuel Steel Fist and Made of Rage. Beat Cop is a key support that automatically removes 1-3 threat (one per Beat Cop) from any scheme free of resources (once played). It's also not dependent on Hero or Alter-Ego forms. Do NOT use the Beat Cops to kill minions! Colossus can handle the punishment and you can keep the Beat Cops around indefinitely to deal with threat removal. With the Beat Cops automatically handling your threat removal, you can focus on pumping out damage and ramping resources from The X-Jet, Piotr's Studio, Iron Will and Titanium Muscles.
  • If you get bad draws and don't come across any Beat Cops or they can't handle the threat accumulating, use Clear the Area, Multitasking, Under Surveillance or allies to compensate. Also, if in dire straits, consider thwarting with Colossus (+1 with Iron Will in play).
  • Limitless Stamina are in to pump out more damage and to really do some huge burst damage if you find your hand with 2 x Made of Rage.
  • Enhanced Awareness is in to fuel the mental condition for Multitasking.
  • Unshakable is a questionable card. I haven't found much use for it so far and it may be replaced in the near future.

Sep 10, 2023 LCGFan2020 · 21

Nice, I think this deck is pretty decent.