Call in the Guardians - Groot Justice

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

irmcdermott · 1

Still doing some testing on this deck, but so far it's been a lot of fun to play. It's handled solo Standard/Expert Rhino, and Standard Klaw with no issues, I'm going to keep trying harder villains and scenarios and make more tweaks, but here is how I've been playing it:

I tried to keep it as "Guardians" themed as I could, and with trying to keep growth counters and needing to flip to alter ego often I went with justice.

Key Setup: Best to try and get Lashing Vines (ready Groot after he uses a basic ability, especially after he defends an attack to limit growth counter removal), Knowhere (card draws after playing Allies), Enhanced Awareness (mental resources for boosted thwart events), and Fertile Ground (growth counter) out early. From there, any upgrades in the deck that can get out will only make things easier.

Allies: All Allies are Guardians, so you will get the bonus card draw from Knowhere once it's out. Cosmo is in there primarily as a low cost chump blocker, but with 1/2 the deck being made up of Event cards, I just call that when resolving his ability and hope for the best. C.I.T.T. is most beneficial for Drax and Rocket Raccoon. If used with Drax, that's a potential 6 damage in one round to the main villain. If minions are out, using it with Rocket will take care of most and gaining overkill is a bonus. Gamora's ability to discard to an event and add it to your hand will only help cycle through your deck and get useful events into your hand.

Events: Crisis Averted is in there mainly as a way to get yourself out of a pinch should you need it - otherwise, you can use it's mental resource to boost up Multitasking or For Justice!. Pivotal Moment is great in early draws when you can get threat on the main scheme to 0. Haymaker is an oldie but a goodie, and helpful in this deck if Groot is exhausted.

Resources: With all allies, and important upgrades/supports being Basic, a copy of The Power in All of Us is included.

Supports: All have been mentioned already, but C.I.T.T. is useful to ready Groot, or allies like Rocket and Drax. Knowhere for the card draw when playing any of the allies in the deck.

Upgrades: Deft Focus helps with most of Groot's hero cards, Enhanced Awareness keeps mental resources on hand for boosting Crisis Averted, For Justice!, and Multitasking. Heroic Intuition to boost Groot's thwart stat - especially useful when Entangling Vines is in play as well.

I hope that helps explain some of the thought process behind the decisions I made.