Phoenix - Event Horizon

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet


I was aiming to make a deck the felt like an angry, dangerous Jean Grey. In the process I started playing around with her power to Stun and Confuse.

The core play with her to to keep the enemy stunned or confused using Drop Kick, Psychic Assault, Telepathic Trickery, Mockingbird, Spider-Girl and Professor X. She can then capitalize on them with Press the Advantage.

Plan of Attack and Assault Training should keep the events coming, and Phoenix has several ways to generate wild resources so you should be able to juggle status effects and alternate between Hero and Alter-ego to capitalize on them.


Infilrate the Museum - Standard, Solo - Space Pirates


Ultron - Standard, Solo - Future Past (switching out some attack cards for minion related attacks like Relentless Assault or even Beat 'Em Up could likely fix this since ultron is so minion heavy)