Black Widow Akimbo

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

XPGamer · 43

We all know that moment when Natasha whips out 2 pistol and guns down the villain (if your having trouble imagining this you can look at the concept art for Running Interference).

This deck is essentially built around this concept.

you really want to start the game with Synth-Suit which will give the ability to be ready for the hero phase and have better DEF.

Other than the preparations included in included in her character cards you have Lie in Wait, Target Acquired, and Counterattack.

Lie in Wait Effectively turns you into a Hawkeye and Widow's Bite while providing a semi- reliable trigger.

Target Acquired is a nice defense with a reliable trigger.

Most of your damage comes from your basic attack so you are vulnerable to stun and not having a way to ready yourself.

The trick is knowing when to let an attack get through or when to defend.

With this deck working correctly you ATK value should get up to a max of 10!

Hulk is a very helpful ally for this deck as he can absorb damage just make sure you have your upgrades with energy resources out before using his attack and Thor is there to also absorb damage as well as her ability.

Also a side note I have 43 cards because I thought it valuable to have more health from Endurance but is not necessary if you have a defender, so feel free to take it out.