Nova - Perfected

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
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None. Self-made deck here.
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MiguelCantillo3 · 11672

English / Spanish

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This deck was tested by Zola and Wrecking Crew in expert mode. I'm excited to share it, as it's the best Nova deck in my opinion, featuring endless combos with exceptional early game, depleting Supernova Helmet 4 to 7 times from the first turn. By preparing Supernova Helmet endlessly, you'll draw so many cards with Unleash Nova Force that 2 copies in your deck will be more than enough.

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Deck Targets:

The main goal was to include the maximum number of preparation cards for Supernova Helmet. Protection was chosen as it is the aspect that presents the most preparation cards.

The secondary goal was to keep Nova in hero mode for the entire match, since except for Jesse Alexander, Nova in -alter-ego is pretty useless.

Cards and Combos:

There is nothing better than explaining the deck through its combos:


I originally included 1 copy of Anticipation, however, I ended up trading it for Electrostatic Armor by presenting enough preparation cards, and comboing with Armored Vest and Unflappable.

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Este mazo fue testeado por Zola y Brigada de Demolición en modo experto. Estoy emocionado de poder compartirlo, ya que bajo mi punto de vista es el mejor mazo de Nova, presentando un sin fin de combos con un juego temprano excepcional, agotando Supernova Helmet 4 a 7 veces desde el primer turno. Al preparar Supernova Helmet de manera interminable, robarás tantas cartas con Unleash Nova Force que 2 copias en el mazo te resultarán más que suficientes.

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Objetivos del Mazo:

El objetivo principal fue incluir el máximo número de cartas de preparación para Supernova Helmet. Se eligió protección al ser el aspecto que más cartas de preparación presenta.

El objetivo secundario fue mantener a Nova en modo héroe durante toda la partida, dado que a excepción de Jesse Alexander, Nova en -alter-ego resulta bastante inutil.

Cartas y Combos:

No hay nada mejor que explicar el mazo a través de sus combos:


Al comienzo incluí 1 copia de Anticipation, sin embargo, terminé intercambiándola por Electrostatic Armor al presentar suficientes cartas de preparación, y al combar con Armored Vest y Unflappable.


Aug 16, 2022 PaulC · 1

Love this and gonna build it soon!

Aug 17, 2022 dr00 · 42158

so happy to see Resourceful. i absolutely love this card for Nova

Aug 17, 2022 VillainTheory · 25735

I play a lot of Nova, so to claim this is the absolute best deck for him really made me take a thorough look =) I hope you don't mind the long message and opinion!

I've played a couple of very similar decks and, while the readying is fun, I''ve found that it's quite weak here. It's a lot of resources generated for very little gain, and it almost always leads to excess resources. I already see a lot of hands with too many resources just with this site's card draw simulator and that's only going to get worse as you play upgrades/supports that thin the deck.

Also, while the thwarting is absolutely fine here, if you get just a little unlucky with your Pot Shots you're going to seriously lack for damage without even allies to contribute to defeating minions and, against any 3+ ATK villains, your Unflappable becomes very inconsistent. Also, there's no Moon Girl in this build and she is one of the best cards in the game.

With Protection's ample access to readying and Nova's lacking 1/1/2 stat spread, I've found Repurpose + Energy Barrier to be a much better Protection build. Energy Barrier helps you trigger Unflappable consistently and Repurpose makes your readying so much more potent. If you are readying 4+ times as claimed, then Repurpose on an Energy Barrier is getting you at least 10 damage or thwarting.

Still, even with those changes I've found Justice to be much more consistent solo - One Way or Another works extremely well with Unleash Nova Force, and Chance Encounter lets you recur Moon Girl and/or Nick Fury. Add in Turn the Tide, which the Ms. Marvel ally can also recur for you, and you are practically unstoppable.

In multiplayer, while I still think Justice is better than Protection, Nova's access to Aerial and wild resources make him the most consistent Honed Technique + Dive Bomb user in the game which makes me prefer Aggression there. And he can use Locust, making additional Dive Bombs very easy. It's probably the best board-clear in the game for 4-player.

Sorry for the long message!

Aug 18, 2022 MiguelCantillo3 · 11672

@Villain I loved your message doing a good analysis as always.

I totally agree with you, since like you I have been testing Nova in various aspects. The initial problem of endless preparations and resources I consider that I met in three ways. Through Champions Mobile Bunker, using it on most occasions precisely when what you have told me happens. Since if you do its action at the beginning, through Unleash Nova Force you will not be able to predict that you will draw and what is said will happen. Also, systematically discarding two extra cards by picking up an encounter card more quickly isn't always a good option. The second strategy is to hold Pinpoint throughout the game to get down to Ms. Marvel. And the second strategy is to take advantage of eating damage when it is not really useful to defend yourself, to be able to use What Doesn't Kill Me being a somewhat more expensive event.

After playing many games and including these strategies, I very rarely had more resources to spend, however, Supernova Helmet can be wasted once, but just like all other skins.

Regarding the damage, that's why I included Electrostatic Armor. However, it does not seem to me that he is a superhero that lacks damage, at least not more than intervention, since he is a very complete superhero but at the same time without standing out beyond arrogance. Unflappable doesn't seem inconsistent to me either, since you can only draw 1 card per turn and I don't necessarily need to defend against the villain, anyway I always prefer to take advantage of his 5 DEF which is more than enough to defend against the attack of practically any villain.

On the other hand, Nick Fury, One Way or Another and Moondragon precisely play it with Ironheart . I think these cards are good on their own but without complementing Nova, instead in Ironheart they make the combination much more attractive by taking advantage of all those science-type resources , his own ability and Moondragon's ability, powering it up to the max.

As for the other aspects of Nova I've also tested them. And I think he has cards as well as protection designed especially for Nova. Of course there are other spectacular decks. However, it ends up being necessary to switch to a shitty alter-ego on a fairly consistent basis.

It is my opinion but I think you are right, since it is very bold to say that it is the best deck for Nova because it will depend on each circumstance and each scenario.

Excellent analysis as always @Villain and I appreciate your comment. And logically I must agree with you, since in a matter of circumstances the cards will always have their pros and cons.

And I am sorry by my English.

Aug 19, 2022 Dawncaller · 18

All your decks are perfect!

Aug 21, 2022 MiguelCantillo3 · 11672

I'm glad you like it and you can try it @Dawncaller