Vision - Intangible S.H.I.E.L.D

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

stilonxy · 5711

I've found Vision to be a somewhat clunky hero to play since I usually find myself in the situation where the cards dictate in what form I'll be in. With the introduction of S.H.I.E.L.D and mainly Global Logistics all this has changed.

The idea

Spend 90% of the time in Intangible form, tank all the damage and sort your hard hitting events in whatever fashion you like with Global Logistics. When the time is right, switch to dense form and unload a bunch of damage.

The strategy

Building your board is obviously the main priority, and it'll actually go rather fast with a combination of One Way or Another, Nick Fury and Global Logistics. Since you can't attack in intangible, you'll instead have to rely on Sky-Destroyer, your allies and Plan B. I've found Plan B to be especially good in this kind of deck since you will inevitably end up with cards in your hand that you either cant or don't want to play. Also, there is no need to rush out all Field Agents right away since you, apart from your allies, only have 3 S.H.I.E.L.D event cards which can trigger Sky-Destroyer. The optimal outcome is of course to trigger Sky-Destroyer every round, so instead of playing two Field Agents in one round you might as well spend one for Plan B or save it for the next.

In intangible, your only exhaust option is for thwarting. Thus, I've found Making an Entrance to be a nice complement since you can expect some damage from villain's attacks. Don't be afraid to let your allies live and do damage while you tank the villain. Once Making an Entrance isn't sufficient enough to keep you alive, just switch to alter ego and heal up! Phase Disruption will of course come in handy in these cases and is a perfect target for Density Control.

You might think that The Power in All of Us is a strange addition since there are fairly few gray cards. You will however be amazed how often you'll be able to line it up with your gray allies with the use of Global Logistics once your board is built and your deck is a lot thinner. It's also essential for the early game to set up your board with some fairly expensive support cards.

Final thoughts

I feel like this deck is both incredibly strong and versatile. You'll have plenty of options to adapt to the current situation. I've tried it vs multiple expert encounters and it's been really solid and smooth. Hope you enjoy this deck as much as I have.

Any feedback is more than welcome :) Cheers!


Jul 29, 2022 teamcanadahockey2002 · 8248

Nice idea here! I've also struggled the same way with Vision and I like what you've come up with here.

I wonder if Overwatch has a place here. Vivian would thwart at 3, Vision can hit 4 himself after m Making an Entrance and has his own events at 3 and 5. Pretty good value there for dealing with One Way or Another.

The other idea I had was about Even the Odds as it does damage but isn't an attack. Doesnt seem to have much value until 3+ players though I imagine.

Thanks for sharing the deck!

Jul 29, 2022 stilonxy · 5711

@teamcanadahockey2002 thanks for the input!

Cool idea with Overwatch! I've never really had the issue with threat in this deck, but I can see the usefulness of the card. However, if I wanted to add more thwarting to the deck I think Homeland Intervention is a slightly better option since it'll trigger Sky-Destroyer.

Yeah, I agree with Even the Odds. I've considered it but it simply feels way to situational on lower player counts.

Jun 09, 2023 java8 · 1

Cool deck! Is there any replacement for "One way or antoher x2" ??

Jun 10, 2023 stilonxy · 5711

@java8 hard to say. One Way or Another is a beast when it comes to building your board quickly or when you want momentum. There isn't really anything else like it. However, you could switch them for a more ally heavy build, which in turn will boost Field Agent's usefulness.

Agent Coulson+Counterintelligence is always a good call.

Dum Dum Dugan+another The Power in All of Us could be another option.