“I can lead all day”

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

AshtonLange · 107

this deck is geared toward maximum draw. Allie’s should NOT be blocking but rather thwarting for cap while he sets up his many economy supports. Allie’s are to be exhausted to pay for Teamwork and Strength In Numbers to help cycle the deck. Teamwork, Sky Cycle and high attack Allie’s such as Wonder Man, Power-Man, and Goliath, will be the three most useful Allie’s here to Teamwork with.

Card draw is critical to being able to get economy as mentioned, but also to help give extra cards for Caps “I can do this ability.”

Black Panther should be played early and should have a Teamwork under him for when it is needed, and Kaluu is also present to help get more Teamwork and Strength In Numbers out. The goal is to use this combo, ready the ally with sky cycle and yourself with your hero ability, and do it again.

This deck does struggle with scheme unless Cap primarily schemes on turns where he is not utilizing the decks primary combo.

Allies like Power-Man and Agent 13 can also help with 3 and 2 thwart respectively once Avengers Assemble! is on the table.

Band Together and The Power of Leadership are here because of all the economy Caps deck and the Avengers upgrades provide. Band together only becomes more useful the more Allie’s in play and you will be them out quickly and cycling this deck often once all the upgrades, supports, and Allie’s are on the field and your deck is thinned out.

Have Fun!

feel free to holler at me with any suggestions to change or modify this build, or if you use any big hitting combos that are similar to this!


Jul 13, 2022 AshtonLange · 107

I actually need to make an edit. Avengers Assemble! is not in this deck! I meant Mighty Avengers, my apologies!